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Eugene P. Wigner Fellowship Program
Features In This Issue - Volume 38, Number 2, 2005



An Editorial:
The Search For New Scientific Superstars

This issue of the Review features another unique part of our recruitment strategy, an expansion of the Eugene P. Wigner Fellowship program that for three decades has served as both a doorway and an "incubator" for some of the Laboratory's most valuable research talent. More...


Eugene P. Wigner Fellows


Filling The Talent Pipeline
The Wigner Fellowship program has been a successful effort to attract and develop young scientific talent. More...


Still Making A Mark
Two former Wigner Fellows have achieved distinction in their respective fields after leaving ORNL. More...


The Critical Difference
Wigner fellows say a unique balance of freedom and opportunity brought them to Oak Ridge. More...


A Winning Couple
The D'Ursos have garnered numerous awards, including Wigner Fellowships. More...


The Best of Both Worlds
Three Wigner fellows divide their time between the laboratory and the classroom. More...


Mentors and Inventors
Four outstanding researchers enjoy an unusual mentor-student relationship. More...


Coming Home
Two Tennesseans go to graduate school in New England, but Wigner fellowships bring them home. More...


Finding the Next Small Thing
Former and current Wigner fellows are developing technologies for imaging, characterizing, and fabricating nanostructures. More...


The Path of Least Resistance
Four past and present Wigner fellows have investigated high-temperature superconducting materials. More...




Paul Gilman: Oak Ridge Center for Advanced Studies
"What keeps you awake at night?" is a question Paul Gilman often asks federal decision makers. For the Assistant Secretary for Water and Science at the Department of the Interior, the answer is "Water." If the issue requires scientific and technical expertise, as well as input from economists and policy analysts, Gilman may suggest this concern as a candidate topic for consideration by the new Oak Ridge Center for Advanced Studies at ORNL, of which he is the first director. More...




Superheavy Nuclei: Taking Shape in Theory
ORNL and UT researchers help predict the structure and stability of superheavy nuclei. More...


A New Spin
Computer simulations at ORNL have motivated experiments that may give industry a new way to make next-generation electronic devices. More...




...and the Winners are...
Accomplishments of Distinction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...


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