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All water that exists beneath the land surface, but more commonly applied to water in fully saturated soils and geologic formations.
Groundwater level (26 items)
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Results 1 - 195 of 195 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Ground water information pages [More info]
Lead page to connect to ground water information on the Nation's ground water resources and ground water activities of the USGS. Includes links to ground-water data, news reports, publications, field techniques, models, programs, and issues.
Ground-water data for the Nation [More info]
National Water Information System (NWIS) real-time data on selected ground water sites, ground water level data, site inventory of wells, test holes, drains, springs and excavations and ground water-quality data for the United States.
BRASS: Bedrock Regional Aquifer Systematics Study [More info]
Description of the project to publish new bedrock geologic maps in the United States to advance the understanding of the region's bedrock aquifers. Includes list of projects.
Ground water atlas of the United States [More info]
The U.S. ground water atlas consists of information on ground water resources of 13 regions covering the 50 States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Text and maps can be viewed online and downloaded as ASCII, GIF, and *.eps files.
Ground water climate response network [More info]
Map showing a network of selected ground water wells in the U.S. The water levels in these wells are used to monitor the effects of droughts and other climate variability.
Water science for schools: the Earth's water - ground water [More info]
Educational site for elementary schools students on ground water sources, ground water flow, and aquifers.
Assessing ground-water vulnerability to contamination: providing scientifically defensible information for decision makers [More info]
The information, citations, and hypothetical examples provided in this report highlight how basic principles and assessments are essential components of the regulatory and policy decision-making process. Link to PDF version.
Land subsidence from ground-water pumping [More info]
Online report for an interactive workshop Impact of Climate Change and Land Use in the Southwestern United States. Discusses land subsidence due to increased ground water pumping in the Southwest and the damage caused by subsidence.
Measuring human-induced land subsidence from space [More info]
Examples of the use of Satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar to measure and map changes on the Earth's surface as an aid to understanding how ground-water pumping, hydrocarbon production, or other human activities cause land subsidence.
Aquifer basics [More info]
Links to general information on water supply by aquifers based on rock types and to principal national aquifers by name.
Water-Level Changes in the High Plains Aquifer, Predevelopment to 2002, 1980 to 2002, and 2001 to 2002 [More info]
Data from some 7,000 wells monitoring annual water level changes in the High Plains aquifer indicting changes in water level 1980 to 2002.
High Plains aquifer resources and information [More info]
Links to reports, bibliographies, and other information on the High Plains aquifer.
Groundwater Quality in the Kern County Subbasin, California [More info]
Arsenic was the trace element most frequently present at high concentrations here. High concentrations of arsenic result from the interaction of groundwater with naturally occurring minerals.
Groundwater Quality in the Southeast San Joaquin Valley, California [More info]
Arsenic and nitrate are the constituents found most commonly at high concentrations in the primary aquifers. Arsenic comes from natural sources and is affected by pH and dissolved oxygen.
PDF Groundwater Resources of Ribeira Faja Basin, Island of Sao Nicolau, Cape Verde, West Africa [More info]
Lower precipitation and recharge, with deeper groundwater levels, suggest this basin will be less susceptible to contamination than others nearby, but may be susceptible to saltwater intrusion brought on by well pumping.
Groundwater Resources of Ribeira Paul Basin, Island of Santo Antao, Cape Verde, West Africa [More info]
PDF Groundwater availability study for Guam; goals, approach, products, and schedule of activities [More info]
Process and plan to be used to provide reliable evaluations of the potential effects of groundwater production and help guide sustainable management of the resource.
Groundwater quality in the San Diego Drainages Hydrogeologic Province, California [More info]
Vanadium and boron were detected at high and moderate concentrations in this area. High concentrations for these constituents were detected almost exclusively in samples collected in the Temecula Valley study area.
Groundwater quality in the San Fernando--San Gabriel groundwater basins, California [More info]
Organic solvents are the chief concern in this area, which has given rise to a systematic program of monitoring and water treatment. This study shows relatively recent results.
Groundwater quality in the Tahoe and Martis Basins, California [More info]
Recent study encountered occasional high values of radioactive trace elements, but the water quality in this area as monitored compares favorably to more urban areas studied by the same group.
PDF Groundwater recharge in Wisconsin--Annual estimates for 1970-99 using streamflow data [More info]
The groundwater component of streamflow is important because it is indicative of the sustained flow of a stream during dry periods, is often of better quality, and has a smaller range of temperatures, than surface contributions to streamflow.
PDF Groundwater resources of Mosteiros basin, island of Fogo, Cape Verde, west Africa [More info]
Shallow groundwater has good quality, but salinity measured in wells suggests the thin lens of freshwater under the coastal plain will be vulnerable to saltwater intrusion as a consequence of pumping.
PDF A new tool to assess groundwater resources in the Mississippi embayment [More info]
Mathematical model of the groundwater system in this area includes 13 types of data and spans multiple aquifers over more than a century. This enables us to assess the quantity of groundwater, where and how it is being used, and how pumping affects it.
Assessing Groundwater Availability in the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming [More info]
Explains concepts and methods used to determine the likely future supply of usable water in this major aquifer.
PDF Assessing groundwater availability in the North Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system [More info]
Nature, history, and distinctive characteristics of this aquifer system help us to understand the likely distribution of available groundwater.
PDF Availability of Groundwater Data for California, Water Year 2008 [More info]
Summary showing number of wells in each county for which water level measurements are available, with description of methodology and well numbering system.
Availability of groundwater data for California, water year 2010 [More info]
Map of California showing the number of wells (by county) with available water-level or water-quality data for Water Year 2010, with descriptions of the data and instructions for obtaining them.
PDF California's Central Valley Groundwater Study: A Powerful New Tool to Assess Water Resources in California's Central Valley [More info]
Modeling effort that integrates a wide variety of geographic, hydrologic, agricultural, climatic, and biological information to help local land managers address resource use issues.
PDF Effects of Climate Variability and Change on Groundwater Resources of the United States [More info]
How climate change affects ground water is more complex than surface water because the residence time of ground water can range from days to tens of thousands of years. Discusses some broad climatic processes may affect groundwater resources.
PDF Possible effects of groundwater pumping on surface water in the Verde Valley, Arizona [More info]
We applied a groundwater model to simulate effects of groundwater pumping and artificial recharge on surface water in this area. Results show effects of pumping or recharge on streamflow.
PDF Quantifying effects of climate change on the snowmelt-dominated groundwater resources of northern New England [More info]
Planned analysis of the sensitivity of groundwater levels to changes in air temperature and precipitation. Changes in groundwater recharge and discharge also will be correlated with other hydrologic indicators.
PDF Science to support the understanding of south Texas surface-water and groundwater resources in a changing landscape [More info]
Short descriptions of the research and monitoring activities we are carrying out to assist state, local, and Federal agencies dealing with water resource issues in the southern part of the state.
PDF Wyoming groundwater-quality monitoring network [More info]
Shows high-priority areas where groundwater will be monitored, outlines the methods of collection and analysis that will be used.
PDF Field techniques for estimating water fluxes between surface water and ground water [More info]
A guide to measuring the flow of water across the ground water surface water interface, with an overview of available methods and details of specific methods to use.
Ground-water data for Alabama [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Alaska [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Arizona [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Arkansas [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for California [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Colorado [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Connecticut [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Delaware [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for District of Columbia [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Florida [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Georgia [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Hawaii [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Idaho [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Illinois [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Indiana [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Iowa [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Kansas [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Kentucky [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Louisiana [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Maine [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Maryland [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Massachusetts [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Michigan [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Minnesota [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Mississippi [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Missouri [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Montana [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Nebraska [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Nevada [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for New Hampshire [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for New Jersey [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for New Mexico [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for New York [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for North Carolina [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for North Dakota [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Ohio [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Oklahoma [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Oregon [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Pennsylvania [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Puerto Rico [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Rhode Island [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for South Carolina [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for South Dakota [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Tennessee [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Texas [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Utah [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Vermont [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Virgin Islands [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Virginia [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Washington [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for West Virginia [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Wisconsin [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water data for Wyoming [More info]
Consistent, historic, and up-to-date ground-water data, such as water levels collected at wells and springs, are available from the USGS National Water Information System as graphs, tables, or files to download.
Ground-water recharge in the arid and semiarid southwestern United States [More info]
A systematic presentation of climatic and hydrogeologic framework of the area, regional analysis of ground-water recharge, and an overview of 8 site-specific case studies.
Ground-water resources of Louisiana [More info]
Links to Louisiana statewide aquifer and well information by locating parish on a map or selecting parish, aquifer, region, or type of ground-water data (real-time water levels or geophysical data) from lists.
Ground-water resources program [More info]
This program encompasses regional studies of ground water systems, multidisciplinary studies of critical ground water issues, access to ground-water data, and research and methods development.
New Jersey District - ground water information [More info]
Links to New Jersey ground-water data including hydrogeology with a geologic map and description of major aquifers, water levels including real-time data and drought levels, and water-quality information.
New Jersey ground-water level observation wells [More info]
Site for ground water level data and additional information for New Jersey wells in the most important aquifers in New Jersey. Links to well stations are grouped by county and township giving access to hydrographs and data.
USGS Ground-Water Networks [More info]
Maps of three ground-water monitoring networks that group related wells and data from active well networks, and provide basic statistics about the water-level data collected by USGS.
PDF USGS research on Florida's isolated freshwater wetlands [More info]
Explains the geologic and hydrologic setting of freshwater wetlands and shows how USGS scientists study these areas.
Bemidji Project crude-oil research project: background information [More info]
The study of petroleum in both the saturated and unsaturated zones, to better understand the processes that control contaminant behavior, and to use this understanding to estimate the future behavior of the contaminants.
PDF Changes in Water Levels and Storage in the High Plains Aquifer, Predevelopment to 2007 [More info]
Summarizes changes in water levels and drainable water in storage in the High Plains aquifer from predevelopment (before about 1950) to 2007.
PDF Changes in water levels and storage in the High Plains Aquifer, predevelopment to 2009 [More info]
Summarizes graphically the areas where water levels have dropped, and by how much, in this extensive underground water reservoir that covers several states in the mid-continent.
Massachusetts and Rhode Island District water data [More info]
Links to streamflow, surface and ground water, water quality, flood, drought, and precipitation data in real-time and for historic time periods for Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
National Water Information System (NWISWeb) data for Illinois [More info]
National Information Water System (NWIS) water data for Illinois including real-time current conditions, streamflow data, site information, ground-water data, and water-quality data.
National Water-Quality Assessment data warehouse [More info]
Data warehouse for national water quality program with links to chemical, biological, and physical data for water, sediment and animal tissues, nutrient, pesticide, and VOC levels, streamflow, and ground water levels from national study units.
Nevada Water Science Center Projects [More info]
Links to detailed descriptions of USGS water-related research projects in Nevada with project information, location maps, and bibliographies including online reports.
PDF Summary of estimated water use in the United States in 2005 [More info]
Estimates the amount of several types of water (surface or groundwater, freshwater or saltwater) withdrawn for use in 2005, detailing the major activities for which the water was used.
PDF Water Resources of Beauregard Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 30.6 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water was withdrawn here, including about 30.4 Mgal/d from groundwater and 0.1 Mgal/d from surface water. Industrial use, primarily for wood products, accounted for about 72 percent (22 Mgal/d).
PDF Water Resources of Caddo Parish, Louisiana [More info]
In 2005, about 72.9 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn here, including about 7.70 Mgal/d from groundwater sources and 65.2 Mgal/d from surface-water sources. Public-supply use accounted for about 71%, and power generation 19%.
PDF Water Resources of Lafayette Parish [More info]
Summarizes information on the water resources of Lafayette Parish, Louisiana. Information on groundwater and surface-water availability, quality, development, use, and trends is based on previously published reports.
Water resource investigations in Montana [More info]
Information on objectives, approach, status, and publications of various research projects investigating water resources in Montana including studies on wetlands, bridge scour, reconstructed wetlands, abandoned mine lands, and others.
Water resources applications software [More info]
Archive of USGS water resources software and associated data with documentation available to the public without any fee or cost.
Water resources data for Washington [More info]
Access to data on water resources of Washington including surface water, ground water, water quality, water use, GIS, and biological datasets and access to reports.
Water resources for Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. [More info]
USGS water resources home page with links to detailed hydrologic information for Maryland, Delaware, and District of Columbia on ground and surface water, water quality, real-time records, news releases, local weather, and reservoir levels.
Water resources of Alaska [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Alaska with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and historic data on streamflow, ground and surface water, glaciers, and water quality plus research activities, publications, and contacts.
PDF Water resources of Allen Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 29.2 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn here, including about 26.8 Mgal/d from groundwater sources and 2.45 Mgal/d from surface-water sources. Rice irrigation accounted for 74 percent (21.7 Mgal/d) of the total.
Water resources of Arizona [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Arizona with detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and well levels plus current conditions, publications, and projects.
Water resources of Arkansas [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Arkansas with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, water use, and rain with links to publications and research partners
PDF Water resources of Bossier Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 15.8 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn, including 4.12 Mgal/d from groundwater and about 11.7 Mgal/d from surface-water sources.Public supply use accounted for about 78 percent (12.4 Mgal/d) of the total water withdra
Water resources of California [More info]
USGS water resources home page for California with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality, plus links to online reports, current issues, data archives and image archive.
Water resources of Colorado [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Colorado with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, snowpack, sediment, ground and surface water, and water quality, plus publications, news, and drought watch.
Water resources of Connecticut [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Connecticut with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, streamflow conditions, gage stations, and drought.
Water resources of Florida [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Florida with links to detailed hydrologic studies with real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality, plus publications and products, projects, news, and water watch.
Water resources of Georgia [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Georgia with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and floods, plus drought watch, current projects, and connections.
Water resources of Hawaii & the Pacific. [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Hawaii, Micronesia, and American Samoa with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, rainfall, water use and current issues.
Water resources of Idaho [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Idaho with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and water use, plus drought watch and relevant publications.
Water resources of Illinois [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Illinois with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, flooding, and water quality with highlights and project information.
Water resources of Indiana [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Indiana with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, drought, and water quality plus GPS ground station data and publications.
Water resources of Iowa [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Iowa with links to hydrologic studies and real-time and historical data on floods, streamflow, ground and surface water, sediment, precipitation, and water quality plus news releases, publications and contacts.
Water resources of Kansas [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Kansas with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and historical data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus flood watch, drought watch, publications, and district news.
Water resources of Kentucky [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Kentucky with links to detailed hydrologic studies, real-time and historical data on streamflow, ground and surface water, flow duration, and water quality plus program highlights, contacts, and news.
Water resources of Louisiana [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Louisiana with detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and water supply with publications, contacts, and current conditions.
Water resources of Maine [More info]
USGS water home page for Maine with detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, snow, and water quality plus drought watch, press releases, projects, and contacts.
Water resources of Massachusetts and Rhode Island [More info]
USGS water resource home page for Massachusetts and Rhode Island with detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, basins, floods, droughts, and water quality, plus district news.
Water resources of Michigan [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Michigan with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, weather, water management, droughts, floods, and water quality.
Water resources of Michigan - programs and projects [More info]
Brief descriptions of categories of USGS research programs and projects on water resources in Michigan with links to more detailed information on projects.
Water resources of Michigan - protection of drinking water sources [More info]
Links to descriptions, publications, and photos of research projects in Michigan related to drinking water including source assessment, ground water availability, water resources, and contaminants in water.
Water resources of Michigan - water availability [More info]
Links to project descriptions and publications for research studies of water availability in Michigan.
Water resources of Minnesota [More info]
USGS water resource home page for Minnesota with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data for streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, and water quality plus district information.
Water resources of Missouri [More info]
Water District homepage with links to detailed real-time and long-term water resources data for Missouri on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality.
Water resources of Montana [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Montana with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, and water quality plus publications and district information.
Water resources of Nebraska [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Nebraska with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus publications and related natural resources information.
Water resources of New Hampshire and Vermont [More info]
USGS water resources home page for New Hampshire and Vermont with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality plus publications and district information.
Water resources of New Jersey [More info]
USGS water resources home page for New Jersey with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, weather, and water quality plus district information.
Water resources of New York [More info]
USGS water resources home page for New York with links to current news and features, real-time and long-term data on acid rain, suspended sediment, ground and surface water, streamflow and water quality.
Water resources of North Carolina [More info]
USGS water resources home page for North Carolina with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, droughts, precipitation, and water quality plus district information.
Water resources of North Carolina - current district projects [More info]
Links to description, publications, data, and maps for research projects on North Carolina water resources.
Water resources of North Dakota [More info]
USGS water resources home page for North Dakota with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Ohio [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Ohio with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, weather, water use, and water quality, plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Oklahoma [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Oklahoma with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, climatology, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Oregon [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Oregon with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, geographic information, and water quality plus district and publications information
Water resources of Pennsylvania [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Pennsylvania with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, map/GIS information, and water quality plus district and publications information
Water resources of South Carolina [More info]
USGS water resources home page for South Carolina with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, GIS information, acid rain, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of South Dakota [More info]
USGS water resources home page for South Dakota with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Tennessee [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Tennessee with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Texas - USGS activities in Texas [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Texas with links to historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, droughts, coastal storm surge, lakes and reservoirs, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Utah [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Utah with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus district and publications information.
PDF Water resources of Vernon Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 6.67 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn here, including about 6.46 Mgal/d from groundwater sources and 0.21 Mgal/d from surface-water sources. Public-supply use accounted for about 76 percent (5.06 Mgal/d) of the total
Water resources of Virginia [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Virginia with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, flooding, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Washington State [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Washington State with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality, plus GIS data, district and publications information.
PDF Water resources of Webster Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 9.52 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn, including about 9.33 Mgal/d from groundwater and 0.19 Mgal/d from surface-water. Public supply use accounted for 70% of the total.
Water resources of West Virginia [More info]
USGS water resources home page for West Virginia with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality, plus district information and press releases.
Water resources of Wisconsin [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Wisconsin with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality, plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Wyoming [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Wyoming with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of the Caribbean [More info]
USGS home page for the Caribbean, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico with links to projects, GIS data, publications, and real-time data for streamflow and rainfall of Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
Water resources of the United States [More info]
Primary homepage for USGS programs in water resources with links to water data, publications and products, technical resources, major programs, and water information services.
Water resources real-time data for the Nation [More info]
Access to national water resources real-time data typically recorded at 15-60 minute intervals, stored onsite, and then transmitted to USGS offices every 4 hours. Select for site information, ground water, surface water, and water quality.
Water science for schools: land subsidence [More info]
Site for elementary school studies on land subsidence with links to land subsidence in California, wells, ground water quality, sinkholes, glossary, and a random link.
Water use trends in Washington, 1985-2005 [More info]
Summary of water use by major category through the last few decades in the state.
Water-related scientific programs in Hawaii and Pacific islands [More info]
Overview of water-related scientific programs in Hawaii and Pacific islands (Northern Marianas, Guam, Palau, and American Samoa). Links to programs on hydrologic data collection, ground water availability, and surface runoff.
PDF Water-resources activities of the U.S. Geological Survey in Ohio [More info]
Report on recent USGS programs in Ohio related to water resources studies, with program highlights, flood and drought studies, ground water studies, microbiological water quality research, stream data, and recent publications.
Annual hydrologic data report of Pennsylvania [More info]
Online annual reports (since 1999) documenting hydrologic data for Pennsylvania gathered from USGS surface water and ground water data-collection networks and information on ordering paper copies of previous years.
PDF Assessing the Vulnerability of Public-Supply Wells to Contamination: Central Valley Aquifer System near Modesto, California [More info]
Using ground-water geochemical analyses, and mathematical models, the factors affecting the quality of public water supply were identified as pumping schedule, screened interval, past land use within the recharge area, and natural geochemical conditions.
PDF Assessing the Vulnerability of Public-Supply Wells to Contamination: Floridan Aquifer System Near Tampa, Florida [More info]
Using ground-water geochemical analyses and mathematical models, the factors affecting the quality of public water supply were identified as mixing of very recent recharge with older water, karst features, natural geochemical processes, and pumping.
Borehole geophysics as applied to geohydrology [More info]
Project summary, photos of logging truck, and bibliographies on log interpretation techniques and instrumentation to record geophysical data in wells and test holes for studying ground water hydraulics and evaluate waste disposal sites.
Detection and measurement of land subsidence using Global Positioning System surveying and interferometric synthetic aperture radar, Coachella Valley, California, 1996-2005 [More info]
Detailed measurements of elevation help to understand the extent and severity of subsidence. Study asks if subsidence indicates the aquifer system is compacting temporarily or permanently, and are the changes human-induced or tectonic.
Duration and current conditions graphs for selected Pennsylvania sites [More info]
Plots of streamflow averages and ground water depths for selected hydrologic sites in Pennsylvania.
Edwards Aquifer online resources [More info]
Recharge and discharge summaries and other data, aeromagnetic survey map, and publications on Edwards Aquifer, Texas.
End-of-month hydrologic condition reports for New York State [More info]
Site to locate most recent or archive reports for end-of-the-month hydrologic conditions with descriptions, data, charts, and maps giving an overview of water conditions during the month for the state of New York.
PDF Enhancement of USGS scientific investigations in Texas by using geophysical techniques, 2005-10 [More info]
Annotated bibliography describing the use of electromagnetic surveying to understand the characteristics of aquifers and how they work.
Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) for support of biological and ecological assessments [More info]
Integrated network of real-time water-level monitoring, ground-elevation modeling, and water-surface modeling that provides scientists and managers with current on-line water-depth information for the entire freshwater portion of the Greater Everglades.
PDF Extreme drought to extreme floods: summary of hydrologic conditions in Georgia, 2009 [More info]
Discusses the nature and extent of extreme hydrologic events, with supporting observations of the water conditions and their effects on human activities.
PDF Geochemistry of the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer [More info]
Describes the geographic extent, quality, origin, and dynamic character of this aquifer located in south central Oklahoma.
PDF Hydrologic conditions in Georgia, 2010 [More info]
Georgia has recently seen a lot of extreme weather events triggering widespread flooding. This summary of streamflow and discharge from selected locations shows graphically the conditions during 2010.
Hydrologic studies in Oregon [More info]
Links to water data studies for river and lake basins in Oregon including ground water and water quality studies.
PDF Hydrology, phenology and the USA National Phenology Network [More info]
Explains how hydrologic factors interact with phenology
Land subsidence and aquifer-system compaction in the Tucson Active Management Area, south-central Arizona, 1987-2005 [More info]
Results of ground-surface monitoring and borehole water table measurements document subsidence of the land surface correlative with changes in the ground water.
Major aquifers in New Jersey [More info]
Geologic description of the principal coastal and non-coastal aquifers in New Jersey and relationship to water quality and water supply.
Measuring land subsidence from space [More info]
Describes the use of satellite-borne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) to precisely measure, monitor, and assess small changes in land surface elevation resulting from human-induced or naturally occuring land subsidence.
Methow River Basin [More info]
Description of studies conducted to evaluate the surface water, ground water, water interactions, and water quality of Methow River Basin in Washington. With links to related science topics, datasets, maps, project summaries, and news.
Pacific Northwest geologic mapping and urban hazards [More info]
Description of research underway in the Pacific Northwest including geologic mapping and urban hazards studies with links to geologic maps, publications, and data.
Pennsylvania fractured rock hydrology research [More info]
Links to reports for Pennsylvania on borehole geophysical studies, aquifer tests and properties, modeling, and hydrologic effects of an earthquake with links to MOC3D solute transport software package, program mission, and bibliography.
Statewide observation well network in Pennsylvania [More info]
In 1931, the USGS established a statewide network of wells in Pennsylvania to monitor water-level fluctuations. This network consists of 68 wells to monitor ground water conditions during droughts. Links to ground-water data, hydrographs, and levels.
PDF Sustainability of natural attenuation of nitrate in agricultural aquifers [More info]
Nitrate from fertilizer is degraded by microbial action in the presence of solid minerals. This helps mitigate the effect of the nitrate, but begins to diminish the solid minerals needed. Will the process be sustainable in the long term?
PDF Terrestrial essential climate variables (ECVs) at a glance [More info]
Explains 16 distinct types of scientific information that are needed to understand climate change, including the specific parameters measured, why they are needed, who measures them, and the type and amount of information that are not yet available.
The chronology for the d18O record from Devils Hole, Nevada, extended into the Mid-Holocene [More info]
This study extends the oxygen isotope record of this important paleoclimate record forward in time to cover more recent history, up to 4,500 years before present.
USGS / Department of Energy cooperative studies in Nevada [More info]
Describes cooperation of the USGS office in Las Vegas, Nevada, with the Department of Energy to address environmental and scientific issues at the Nevada Test Site and vicinity with links to project information.
USGS projects in Illinois [More info]
Links to Illinois District water projects including projects on water quality, radium in ground water, ground water studies, and streamflow studies.
Unconsolidated aquifers of upstate New York [More info]
Information on aquifers in upstate New York which consist of unconsolidated deposits of sand and gravel that occupy major river and stream valleys or lake plains. Links to aquifer maps at scales 1:24,000 or 1:250,000 and cooperative publications.
Yakima River Basin [More info]
Description of the studies of the ground water system in the Yakima River Basin and how it interacts with rivers and streams in the basin. Includes links to project status, datasets, maps, project summaries, news releases and bibliographies.
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