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Interior Department Radio News Service - Podcasts
The Interior Department Radio News/Podcast Service features stories and event actualities about land, water, and resources for download to your newscasts or just informative listening to find out what's happening in the BLM, FWS, NPS, USGS, BOR, MMS, OSM and the BIA. This is a free service of the U.S. Department of the Interior. Feedback on usage is welcome at
Department of the Interior Podcasts       
Department of the Interior Radio News Service                  Audio releaseAudio News Releases      
2010 2009 2008 2007  

energy windmills The energy potential of renewable wind energy on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf is staggering. Nantucket Sound’s Cape Wind was proposed nine years ago and it could become the flagship windfarm on the East Coast. Secretary Salazar is taking steps make certain it’s done right on behalf of the public and called a news conference Wednesday to discuss closing the issue.

BLM Director Bob Abbey and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar (photo by Ron Tull-DOI) Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar held a news media teleconference to announce several initiatives to reform the onshore oil and gas leasing program administered by the Bureau of Land Management on U.S. public lands. This podcast features his opening statement from that teleconference.

U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240
Last Updated on 1/14/10