Size Standards

What makes a small business “small”? It sounds like a simple question, but the answer has important implications for your business’s eligibility for a variety of federal programs. Learn more about how size standards have been established and how they are used.

  • To help business owners determine if their businesses qualify as small businesses, SBA has established a Table of Small Business Size Standards.

  • Summary of Size Standards by Industry Size guidelines define the maximum size that a firm (including its affiliates) can be to qualify as a small business for most SBA programs. Size standards usually are a measure of a ...
  • Is your business ready to compete for government contracts? Before you can begin government procurement activities, the size of your business must be evaluated through a set of standards from a contracting officer. A size standard ...
  • As you have learned in Small Business Size Regulation and Methodology and Use of Size Standards for Government Procurement, a contracting officer determines the size of the business according to the standards set forth in the Code ...
  • Repeal of the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program  Effective Immediately The President of the United States signed the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (Jobs Act) on Sept. 27, 2010. The Jobs Act amended the ...

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Joan Ford, owner of Hummingbird Highway, LLC
Joan Ford’s home is more than where her heart is---it’s also the location of her quilt design company, Hummingbird Highway, LLC. Ford...
Mary Moldenhauer, owner of Greystar Electronics, Inc., Duluth, has been named Minnesota Minority Small Business Person of the Year by the U.S....
Hevré Le Calvez, Ph.D., Founder and CEO, of Abbiotec, LLC, a biotech company developing life science tools for the research market, started...