Green Business Guide

These days, there’s a new focus on environmental responsibility, and as a small business owner, you can make a difference too. As a “green” business, you’ll not only help protect our ecosystem, but your sales could benefit among consumers who value your environmental efforts.

  • If you are already competitive in terms of price, quality and performance, adding "green" claims and eco-labels to your marketing strategy may enhance your brand image and secure your market share among the growing number ...
  • Companies known for proactive environmental policies can garner favor from customers, employees, regulators, the media and others. Because of their reputation, they are able to reap benefits such as reduced pressure from activist ...
  • At the US Small Business Administration (SBA), we are working to incorporate clean and efficient energy initiatives across our main program areas – counseling, financing, and contracting – as well as through new ...
  • From changing a light bulb and using recyclable products to installing energy efficient equipment and systems, every business can make simple changes that save energy costs and natural resources. The following resources will ...
  • To differentiate your product or service as environmentally sound, you may want to obtain certification from an independent, third-party so that you can include their logo or "ecolabel" on your product's label and ...
  • The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules prohibit deceptive acts or practices in advertising, labeling, product inserts, catalogs, and sales presentations. These apply to marketing and advertising of green products. If you are ...
  • The following U.S. cities have established initiatives to encourage green business practices. Use the links below to learn about resources, opportunities and incentive programs available to businesses adopting green business ...
  • Use the links below to help find financial resources to pay for energy efficient upgrades to your facilities, environment-related projects and improvements, and financial incentives that can save you money such as tax credits, tax ...
  • One of the easiest ways to go green and save cash is to adjust your daily commute and encourage your employees to do the same. The easiest way to go green during your commute is to avoid driving whenever possible. Many cities have ...
  • Today, the global environment presents many challenges. The demand for oil and natural gas is expected to exhaust known reserves by 2045. The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly evident; and lack of access to clean ...

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