(This article also appears in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
   Review (Vol. 26, No. 1), a quarterly research and development
   magazine. If you'd like more information about the research
   discussed in the article or about the Review, or if you have any
   helpful comments, drop us a line. Thanks for reading the Review.
   When the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator (ORELA) went on line
   in 1969, the U.S. nuclear power industry was enjoying its heyday,
   the Soviet Union was supporting communist insurgencies in the Far
   East and Central America, and Richard Nixon occupied the White
   House. Nearly a quarter-century later, both the world and the field
   of nuclear research have seen a lot of changes, but ORELA is still
   going strong. In fact, on October 13, 1992, ORELA logged its
   100,000th hour of on-line operation--an indication of the enduring
   vitality and value of the research done at the facility.    
   The facility's accelerator, target room, and several of the test
   stations are located under a group of grass-covered mounds not far
   from the Laboratory's main entrance. The more distant test
   chambers, located up to 200 meters (650 feet) from the target room,
   can be seen poking up out of adjacent parking lots.        
   At the heart of ORELA is a 180-MeV electron linear accelerator that
   uses electromagnetic waves to fire bursts of electrons pulsed from
   a hot-cathode gun down a 23-meter (75-foot) acceleration tube at
   nearly the speed of light. At the end of the tube this joyride
   comes to an abrupt end as the electrons slam into a water-cooled
   tantalum target, where collisions with the target and the
   surrounding water produce neutrons with a wide range of energies.
   This spray of neutrons is then channeled to one or more of the test
   chambers. Seven stations, located from 10 to 200 meters (33 to 650
   feet) from the target, are used because neutrons of varying
   energies and intensities are needed for different experiments--and
   these qualities vary with the distance the neutron travels from the
   Jack Harvey, director of ORELA and a research physicist since 1950,
   recalls that in 1969 the facility represented a quantum leap
   forward in the technology used to obtain neutron cross sections for
   various materials.    
   Cross sections are measurements of the likelihood that neutrons of
   a given energy will interact with the nucleus of a material, rather
   than passing through it. Because most nuclear reactions produce a
   lot of neutrons, nuclear researchers at the time of ORELA's
   construction were interested in learning more about neutron cross
   sections to help them develop more effective shielding materials
   for use in production reactors or nuclear research facilities.    
   "Thirty or forty years ago," says Harvey, "investigating neutron
   cross sections became an area of great interest both for people
   building reactors and those studying basic nuclear physics." Most
   early research facilities measured neutron cross sections using a
   "fast chopper" in conjunction with a reactor. "The chopper," says
   Harvey, "was a rotating cylinder with slits in the sides, which
   provided microsecond-long bursts of neutrons. This was adequate for
   measuring cross sections in low-energy regions, up to a few
   thousand electron volts, but the resolution was not good enough to
   work at higher energies."    
   In 1965 plans were announced to build plutonium fast breeder
   reactors, including Oak Ridge's Clinch River Breeder Reactor
   project, which was ultimately canceled in 1983. Breeder reactors
   rely on neutrons given off during the process of nuclear fission by
   reactor fuel, such as plutonium-239, to transform a blanket of
   non-fissionable material, like uranium-238, into plutonium-239.
   This approach to reactor design harnesses the fission process for
   the production of both fuel and power. Because plutonium breeds
   fissionable material best at high energies, researchers needed
   high-resolution information on nuclear interactions that occurred
   at energies between a few thousand electron volts and a few hundred
   thousand electron volts. "As a result," says Harvey, "funding was
   approved for a facility capable of measuring the cross sections for
   reactions in these regions. That's why ORELA was originally built." 
   ORELA was designed primarily to measure neutron cross sections of
   materials thousands of times more precisely than could be done
   using fast choppers. At the time of its construction, the facility
   produced neutron bursts that were 10 times as intense and 5 times
   narrower than those of comparable facilities, filling a gap between
   experimental results provided by low-energy fast choppers and
   high-energy cross sections provided by Van de Graaff accelerators
   then operating at ORNL and other laboratories.
   Measuring neutron cross sections of various materials isn't the
   only activity going on at ORELA, however. Because the facility's
   pulsed neutron source is so intense compared to its background
   "noise," it has recently been used to probe the structure of the
   neutron itself.      
   The neutron is believed to be held together by the so-called
   "strong" force, one of the four physical forces in the universe, a
   group that also includes gravity and electromagnetism. Previous
   experiments have suggested that neutrons are made up of three
   subatomic particles, known as quarks. One quark has two-thirds of
   a positive charge, and the other two have one-third of a negative
   charge each, making the total charge of the neutron zero. To
   measure the force holding these quarks together, researchers had to
   find a way to stretch the neutron, slightly separating the positive
   quark from the negative quarks.   
   To accomplish this feat, a group of Austrian researchers, along
   with Harvey and Nat Hill, a retired researcher from the
   Instrumentation and Controls Division, fired beams of low-energy
   neutrons at a target of lead-208, an isotope with an extremely
   strong electric field around its nucleus. The interaction between
   this electrical field and the neutron's charged quarks causes the
   quarks to separate slightly.     
   Using a new detector and other special electronics provided by the
   Austrian research team, it was determined that, as a result of this
   separation, more of the neutrons were scattered by the lead-208
   sample, rather than passing through. By comparing the results of
   this experiment to those obtained when no target was present,
   researchers determined the change in the "size" of the neutron
   resulting from its interaction with the electrical field of the
   lead-208 nucleus, and from that they determined the magnitude of
   the force holding the neutron's charged quarks together.     
   "Twenty earlier attempts at measuring this force at other research
   centers have resulted in values with margins of error that were
   greater than the values obtained from the measurements," said
   Harvey. "The value obtained in the work with the Austrians was four
   times larger than the margin of error." 
   ORELA also provides researchers with an opportunity to study the
   role of phonons in superconductivity. Superconductivity occurs when
   electrons in a metal are attracted to each other, but because
   electrons are all negatively charged, they usually repel each
   other. Under certain conditions, however, this repulsion can be
   For example, a fast-moving electron traveling through an array of
   positively charged, slow-moving metal ions attracts the ions,
   causing them to move toward it as it passes and leaving a
   concentration of positive charges in its wake. These positive
   charges may then attract other electrons, causing an indirect
   attraction between electrons.     
   The units of vibrational energy that cause the metal ions to move
   toward the electron in this example are called phonons. Studies of
   the vibrational spectra, or phonon spectra, of materials that
   conduct electricity normally in one temperature range and are
   superconductors in another have shown systematic differences
   between the two states, but until recently, the hypothesized change
   in the phonon spectrum at the transition point between the two
   states had not been observed for the new, high-temperature
   To get a good look at phonon behavior at the superconducting
   transition point, Herb Mook and other researchers at ORELA used a
   technique called neutron resonance absorption spectroscopy (NRAS)
   to measure the vibrational spectra of the high-temperature
   superconductor modes of bismuth, strontium, calcium, and copper
   (BSCCO). The NRAS technique has several advantages, including being
   able to study the vibrations from each element in a sample
   separately, obviously a plus when dealing with molecules as complex
   as BSCCO. Another advantage of NRAS is that it enables researchers
   to study the structure of non-uniform material by varying its
   orientation in the neutron beam.     
   Using this technique, scientists at ORELA were able to observe a
   change in the phonon spectrum of the BSCCO's copper component at
   the transition point. This finding shows that there is a close
   relationship between phonons and high-temperature superconductivity
   and suggests that any explanation of the high transition
   temperatures of high-temperature superconductors should take the
   role of phonons into account.
   The latest addition to ORELA is an intense "slow" positron-
   generating facility developed by Lester Hulett of ORNL's Analytical
   Chemistry Division. Positrons are electron-sized particles that
   have positive charges equal to the electron's negative charge. The
   new facility takes advantage of gamma photons that are scattered
   beyond ORELA's primary tantalum target by placing a secondary
   tungsten target in their path. When the photons strike the
   tungsten, they are converted to slow, or low-energy, positrons and
   channeled by a magnetic field into an adjacent experiment room.   
   If this gamma radiation weren't a cost-free by-product of ORELA's
   neutron-producing activities, it would cost about $300,000 annually
   to generate it. Reseachers are taking full advantage of this
   windfall by using the resulting positrons to conduct a range of
   slow-positron spectroscopy studies, such as those planned for a
   cooperative research and development agreement between ORNL and
   AT&T Bell Laboratories.     
   This joint effort will employ slow-positron spectroscopy to develop
   more effective semiconductor devices. Inefficiencies in
   semiconductor performance are often the result of defects, such as
   missing atoms, which trap positrons. The number and distribution of
   these defects determine how the device's performance will be
   affected. Once snared by a defect, a positron's lifetime is
   extended, changing the energies of the gamma rays produced when it
   finally interacts with an electron and is annihilated. Measuring
   these gamma emissions enables researchers to determine if defects
   are present in a semiconductor and whether or not they occur in
   areas critical to the device's function.    
   The positron facility is also being used to try to get a
   fundamental understanding of how organic molecules like benzene are
   ionized--how electrons are removed--by comparing spectra produced
   by positrons with those produced by electrons and photons. This
   line of study may eventually lead to better ways of doing
   analytical mass spectrometry.    
   Understanding the ionization process in medium-sized organic
   molecules, like benzene, may also result in a better understanding
   of how larger organic molecules, such as DNA, are ionized.
   Preliminary studies using bacteria have found that extremely low
   doses of positrons may have mutagenic effects.
   Over the years, thousands of publications, reports, and
   presentations have documented research results from ORELA, but
   researchers are not content to rest on their laurels. Plans for the
   future include continuing the research initiatives mentioned
   previously, more collaborations with the Austrians--this time
   hoping to measure the charge distribution of the neutron at lower
   energies, and further forays into the realm of astrophysics to
   determine the properties of heavy elements formed in and around
   stars as a result of lighter elements capturing neutrons. ORELA is
   also involved in detector development for DOE's multibillion-dollar
   Superconducting Super Collider project, as well as other radiation
   damage and characterization studies.    
   "Normally, accelerators have less than a 20-year life span, but
   we're 23 and we're still going strong," says Harvey, who shows no
   signs of slowing down either. "We really have an excellent facility
   here, and it's running well. We've done a lot with it, and I think
   there's still a lot of good work to be done."
   Jim Pearce
   (keywords: nuclear research, linear accelerators, neutrons)
   Please send us your comments.
   Date Posted:  1/26/94  (ktb)