Secretary Locke Delivers Keynote Address at U.S. Chamber of Commerce U.S.-Israel Summit, Live Webcast

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Photo of Locke and Ben-EliezerToday, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke delivered the keynote address at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s inaugural summit, “The United States and Israel: Building Business through Innovation.” Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Agreement, the event brought together leading innovators, entrepreneurs, and policymakers from the United States and Israel. Prior to the summit, the secretary met with Israel’s Minister of Trade and Industry, Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, to discuss the U.S.-Israel trade relationship. The summit featured a live webcast and is available hereRemarks

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US and Israel are true key commerce allies and policy makers in these two great nations should always try to manage that relationship jealously. I personally think US and Israel trade relationships is good because US needs an ally in the middle East and Israel is a good bet.