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Department of Justice (DOJ)

Compliance Contacts

Contact the following individual(s) to get more information on complying with the Department of Justice regulations:

Robert Connolly
Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
U.S. Department of Justice
1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
National Place Building, Room 1010
Washington, DC 20530
(202) 616-0521 or 1-800-345-3712
Fax (202) 616-1717

Compliance Resources

The following agencies and offices provide compliance resources for small businesses:

Civil Rights Division

Antitrust Division

Drug Enforcement Administration

  • ARCOS Registrant Handbook (PDF version)
    Contains PDF version of DEA's ARCOS Registrant Handbook, which provides guidance and information in a plain language format on the requirements of submitting ARCOS reports for participating manufacturers and distributors.
  • ARCOS Registrant Handbook
    Provides guidance and information in a plain language format on the requirements of submitting ARCOS reports for participating manufacturers and distributors.
  • DEA - Diversion Control Program's Contact Us Webpage
    Webpage that allows the public and registrants to submit comments regarding our webpage and its contents.
  • DEA - Diversion Control Program's Site Map
    DEA's Diversion Control Program's Site Map to help registrants and the public find items on our website.
  • DEA's Hyperlinks to Federal Agencies, Industry, and Public Interest Webpage
    Webpage containing hyperlinks to certain Federal Government agencies, medical and industry associations, and public interest organizations.
  • DEA - Hyperlink to Webpage
    DEA's hyperlink to a Federal webpage where registrants and the public may view and comment on Federal Register Notices.
  • Title 21 Regulations and Codified Controlled Substances Act
    Contains links to those sections of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and its implementing regulations that DEA has jurisdiction over regarding controlled substances and listed chemicals.
  • Prescription and Controlled Substances : FAQs
    Frequently asked questions about prescribing and dispensing controlled substances.
  • DEA - Diversion Control Program's Contact Directories
    Webpage contains contact information/telephone directories for DEA's Diversion Control Program, including: Headquarters, Field Office Locations, Diversion Program Managers, and Registration Technicians.
  • DEA - Diversion Program's Meetings and Events
    Webpage lists conferences, meetings, working groups, and training seminars sponsored by DEA Headquarters for our registrant population.
  • DEA - Federal Register Notices
    Webpage of DEA Federal Register Notices concerning registrations, registrant actions, quotas, scheduling actions as well as final and proposed regulations.
  • DEA - Diversion's e-Commerce Program
    Webpage provides information about DEA's electronic Controlled Substance Ordering System (CSOS), such as digital certificates, DEA's e-commerce policies, reporting requirements, and contact information for program support.
  • DEA - Diversion Control Program's e-Commerce Initiative
    Webpage provides hyperlinks about DEA's electronic commerce initiatives involving controlled substance prescriptions as well as Schedules I and II controlled substance orders.
  • DEA - Controlled Substance Schedules
    Webpage provides hyperlinks to DEA's list of controlled substances (HTML and PDF formats). It also has lists of exempted anabolic steroid products, prescription products, and chemical preparations as well as hyperlinks to the regulations outlining how requests for exemption as a controlled substance for these products is submitted to DEA.
  • Title 21 Required Reporting Under the Controlled Substances Act
    Provides links to DEA reporting requirements under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).
  • DEA - Quotas for Schedules I and II Controlled Substances
    Webpage provides hyperlinks for manufacturing and procurement quota applications, Year-End Report guidance and generator documents, a 10-year overview of aggregate production quotas, a list of controlled substances, a conversion factor table for controlled substances, federal register notices, and training seminars for manufacturers and importers/exporters of controlled substances.
  • Controlled Substance Import/Export Applications and Declarations
    Provides links to import/export of controlled substances forms, including an application for permit and an import/export declaration as well as a quick reference guide, and a Conversion Factors for Controlled Substances table (for use in computing base product).
  • Controlled Substance Registration
    Provides links drug registration and application information.
  • Drug Enforcement Agency Online Forms
    Provides links to required DEA Forms, such as registration applications, quota applications and year-end reports, import/export declarations (listed chemicals), import/export permit applications and declarations (controlled substances), drug destruction, theft or loss of controlled substances report, forms to submit changes in registration information, request for duplicate registration certificates, and request additional Schedules I-II order forms.
  • Chemical Handler Registration Process
    Provides general information about the registration process for handlers of regulated chemicals under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).
  • Drug Product Thresholds
    Provides guidance regarding the Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act's (MAPA) reduced thresholds for pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine drug products. There is also a hyperlink to a MAPA questions and answers page.
  • Suspicious Chemical Orders
    Provides information about suspicious chemical orders as well as hyperlinks to portions of DEA's Chemical Handler's Manual intended to assist chemical manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers of drug products in this area.
  • List of Regulated Chemicals Under the Controlled Substances Act
    Provides links to the section of the Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR 1310.02) that lists the chemicals regulated under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).
  • Cumulative Chemical Threshold Transactions
    Provides guidance about reporting cumulative threshold transactions of Listed Chemicals as required by the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).
  • Chemical Program Q&A;
    Addresses commonly asked questions regarding registration and reporting requirements of regulated chemical handlers as well as clarifying questions that address specific chemical laws under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).
  • Chemical Program Advisories to the Public
    Provides DEA's regulated chemical advisories to the public and registered chemical handlers to alert them to potential illicit uses of licit chemicals. Other information such as recalls, registration requirements, and a special surveillance list is also on this webpage.
  • Drug Enforcement Agency Chemical Program
    Provides information for the handlers of regulated chemical products under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).
  • ARCOS Registrant Bulletins
    Provides ARCOS Registrant Bulletins to assist DEA registered manufacturers and distributors with the preparation and submission of required DEA controlled substance transaction reports to ARCOS.
  • ARCOS Questions and Answers
    Provides a series of questions and answers raised most often by registrants regarding the Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System (ARCOS).
  • ARCOS Personal Computer Field Edit Program
    Includes description of DEA's software program that provides the paper-based forms reporter a more efficient and economical method for collecting, editing storing and reporting ARCOS transactions to DEA via diskette.
  • DEA's ARCOS National Drug Code (NDC) Dictionary
    Webpage contains a hyperlink to DEA's version of the National Drug Code (NDC), an 11-digit unique identifier for drug products that contain controlled substances. This is a zipped file.
  • ARCOS Error Report Notices
    Provides DEA's end of report 'trailers' that is on each Daily Transaction Processing Report generated by the ARCOS-2 system in response to registrants who file ARCOS reports with DEA. Notices contain information for manufacturers and distributors regarding the ARCOS reporting process.
  • ARCOS Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Program
    Provides description of DEA's ARCOS EDI Program, which permits DEA registered manufacturers and distributors to log into the Diversion Control Program's website and transmit their required monthly or quarterly ARCOS reports using a secure web portal.
  • ARCOS - Automation of Reports and Consolidated Ordering System
    Provides documents to assist manufacturers and distributors report their controlled substances transactions. These include the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Program, Error Report Notices, a National Drug Code Dictionary, the Personal Computer Field Edit Program, Q&As;, Registrant Bulletins and Handbook.
  • DEA - Diversion Program Reports Webpage
    Webpage provides hyperlinks to DEA Diversion Control Program reports concerning specific topics -- prescription monitoring programs, Suspicious Order Task Force Report, a descriptive report of DEA's Diversion Control Program, etc.
  • DEA Diversion Control Program Press Releases and Notices
    Webpage provides hyperlinks for DEA Notices that advise registrants of topical issues -- potential drug scams, clarification of DEA regulations and policies, registrant issues, and compliance assistance efforts.
  • DEA Industry Newsletter Webpage
    Newsletter to provide communication between the Drug Enforcement Administration and the industries that it regulates, to include healthcare professionals as well as pharmaceutical and chemical handlers. Topical issues include e-commerce initiatives, clarifying DEA's legislative and regulatory mandates, diversion trends, etc.
  • DEA Diversion Infromational Brochures/Pamphlets Webpage
    Pamphlets, Brochures and Posters that provide information on various forms of drug abuse and diversion, and what professionals can do when confronted with this problem.
  • DEA Registrant Manuals Webpage
    DEA registrant manuals provide guidance and information on the requirements of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (CSA) and its implementing regulations in a plain language format for specific registrant types.
  • DEA Diversion Control Program Homepage
    Drug Enforcement Administration's Diversion Control Program Homepage. Contains information relating to regulatory requirements and compliance assistance information for individuals and companies that handle controlled substance pharmaceuticals and/or listed chemicals.
  • DEA - Chemical Program Contact Telephone Numbers
    Webpage provides telephone numbers for inquiries about registering as chemical handlers under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA); quarterly reports for the import of Acetone, Toluene, and MEK (methyl ethyl ketone); and monthly mail order reports.
  • DEA - Aggregate Production Quota History
    Wepbage provides a 10 year overview of annual aggregrate production quotas for the U.S.
  • DEA - Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005
    Webpage provides information regarding the requirements of the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 (CMEA), to include actual text of the legislation, a general guideline document, frequently asked questions (Q&A;), alternate forms of identification, required training and self-certification for retail vendors and mobile retail vendors, etc.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

  • Firearms & Explosives FAQs
    Questions and answers that relate to the commerce of firearms and explosives including general questions, those relating to unlicensed persons, licensing, conduct of business, records, etc.
  • Statistics
    Includes statistics relating to firearms manufactured and exported as well as reports of explosive and arson/fire incidents.
  • Regulations
    ATF regulations are published as Title 27, Code of Federal Regulations (27 CFR) by the Government Printing Office. These regulations implement the Federal firearms and explosives laws. ATF's mission and regulations are designed to curb illegal traffic in, and criminal use of firearms, and to assist State, local and other Federal law enforcement agencies in reducing crime and violence.
  • ATF Publications
    The ATF provides various publications to industry members as well as the general public. Some of the publications available either on the ATF web site or in hard copy, include manuals which provide ATF's regulatory requirements in a plain language format; informational brochures to help raise awareness of possible criminal activity (i.e., Reporting theft of Explosives and Firearms, Arson incidents); and industry newsletters for all businesses regulated by ATF. Publications, brochures and forms are produced in quantities of 115,000 each for firearms and 12,000 for explosives for distribution to the licensees, permittees, and to trade and research organizations and the press.
  • Other Programs
    Provides information about various ATF programs such as the Project Gunrunner, Don't Lie for the Other Guy, Project Safe Neighborhood and Violent Crime Impact Teams (VCIT) Programs.

Office of Justice Programs

  • Funding Opportunities
    Office of Justice Programs grants. Competitive discretionary grants for which non profit organizations may be eligible will be found on and must be applied for through the portal.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

  • Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU)
    The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) strives to improve and increase the Department's performance in utilizing small, small disadvantaged, small woman-owned and veteran-owned businesses as contractors and subcontractors.

Executive Office for Immigration Review

Executive Office for U.S. Trustees

  • USTP Brochure - Opportunities for Private Trustees and Other Bankruptcy Professionals
    Opportunities brochures for private trustees and other bankruptcy professionals
  • Handling Involuntary Bankruptcies : Part I
    Part I of an article that discusses considerations for various parties in interest to an involuntary bankruptcy.
  • Handling Involuntary Bankruptcies : Part II
    Part II of an article that discusses considerations for various parties in interest to an involuntary bankruptcy.
  • Audit and Field Exams: What You Should Know and How to Avoid Common Deficiencies
    Article discusses how a trustee establishes an adequate system of internal controls, establishing an asset administration system that protects estate assets and ensures prompt administration of estate funds and assets, and whether these systems are functioning effectively
  • Credit Counseling & Debtor Education Information
    Instructions, application and appendices for approval as a non profit budget and credit counseling agency. Recommended bond form for non profit budget and credit counseling agencies. Instructions, application and appendices for approval as a provider of a personal financial management instructional course. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for credit counseling and debtor education applicants. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for credit counseling and debtor education applicants. For questions related to either credit counseling or debtor education applications, please call 1-202-514-4100. For email: (credit counseling) or (debtor education). To fax materials concerning either credit counseling or debtor education applications: 1-202-305-8536
  • About the United States Trustee Program & Bankruptcy
    Background information concerning the United States Trustee Program and the United States Trustees' duties and responsibilities
  • Library of Handbooks and Reference Materials
    Statement of operational policy and working manual for private trustees under the supervision of the United States Trustees. Also includes links to Check 21 Policy Statement and Frequently Asked Questions. Check 21 refers to the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (Public Law 108-100), which facilitates the use of electronic imaging of checks. Site also contains list of Uniform Transaction Codes (UTCs). Also available is the United States Trustee Manual, which is an operational guide for United States Trustees. These manuals are not intended as a full statements of the law and parties should ascertain whether they need an attorney
  • Bankruptcy Information Sheet
    U.S. Trustee Program fact sheet covering the bankruptcy process.

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