Environmental Regulations

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state environmental agencies regulate the impact of businesses on the environment. EPA develops and enforces regulations that implement environmental laws enacted by Congress. Likewise, state agencies enforce regulations that implement laws enacted by the state legislature.

  • Whether you are in charge of a large corporation, or just starting out as a small business owner, the federal government expects you to familiarize yourself with -- and comply with -- regulations designed to minimize air ...
  • As a business owner, the federal government expects you to familiarize yourself with, and comply with, regulations designed to protect the environment. This list of resources will help you learn more about the many environmental ...
  • No disaster plan can predict or prevent every possible disaster. When preventive measures fail, steps may need to be taken to clean up the environment after a spill. While this situation represents a hardship to a company ...
  • As a small business owner, it's important to be environmentally responsible. This especially applies to businesses whose operations may produce products or byproducts that could harm other living creatures and fragile ...
  • If your business manages environment-related issues well, it may be able to avoid liability, reduce costs and recognize business opportunities for providing environmental solutions to other companies. Businesses that put ...
  • Some environmental laws require you to obtain an environmental permit before you can emit or discharge a pollutant into the air or water, dispose of hazardous waste, or engage in certain regulated activities. Permits are also used ...
  • The followings steps walk you through the process of creating an environmental management plan for your business. Before you begin, download the Small Business Environmental Management Plan Workbook. The actions below reference ...
  • If your business is engaged in activities involving wildlife, including the import/export of wildlife and animal-based products, wildlife habitat conservation and wildlife breeding, it will need to comply with environmental ...
  • If your business uses pesticides you are required to comply with environmental laws and regulations that protect the environment. The following resources provide information on what you need to know and the steps to take to make ...
  • As a business owner, you are required to comply with environmental laws and regulations that protect the environment. The following resources provide information on what you need to know about pollutants and chemicals that might be ...

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Introduced by mutual friends, Jim Bostic and Denver McMillion quickly connected, built a high level of trust and combined their diverse...
  Pauline Lewis didn’t fully realize how life-changing one introductory class at the Women’s Business Center/SBDC in...
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After earning a degree in psychology, Wendy Washeleski was working as a counselor when she gave a coworker’s niece a horseback riding lesson...