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Moving Technology to the Marketplace
Features in This Issue - Volume 39, Number 3, 2006



An Important Part of the Mission

UT-Battelle has assigned an unprecedented priority to a variety of technology transfer initiatives at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Why this decision was made, and how ORNL is implementing a multi-faceted strategy to commercialize the Laboratory's discoveries, is the focus of this issue of the ORNL Review. More...




Moving Technology to the Marketplace
A new culture at ORNL blends research with commercialization. More...


Putting the Pieces Together
ORNL's technology transfer program supports a variety of commercialization activities. More...


Playing at the College Level
ORNL's Technology Transfer and Economic Development office, aspires to position the Laboratory to compete with top universities on technology transfer metrics. More...


The Lab of the South
ORNL has partnered with local, state and regional research and economic development organizations. More...


A Culture of Commercialization
New tools make it easier for researchers to commercialize their innovations. More...


A Capital Idea
UT-Battelle officials identified seed funding as a critical ingredient needed to generate more business in the region. More...


Another Tool in the Toolbox
However compelling the technology, a gap often exists between government-funded research and its transfer to the marketplace. More...


Calculating the Odds
A licensee of ORNL technology receives a venture capital investment. More...


Side by Side
A new research park at ORNL will increase access to technology. More...


A Key Mission
Assisting industry helps both the Laboratory and U.S. competitiveness. More...


Hundreds of Licenses
LandScan has emerged as an international community standard for disaster response, humanitarian relief, sustainable development and environmental protection. More...


A Marketable Solution
In 2005 the SensArray Integrated Wafer won Semiconductor International and R&D 100 awards. More...


Taking the Long View
Sometimes a discovery with superior technical traits can take as long as two decades to find market acceptance. More...


An Impressive Patent Portfolio
Amit Goyal holds 50 patents, giving ORNL dominance over a key element in commercial high-temperature superconducting wire. More...


Superconductor Cure
The Achilles' heel of high-temperature superconducting wire in transmission cables, motors and generators lies in the wire's self-generated magnetic field. More...


Reinvesting Royalties
Supporting a robust program of technology transfer often requires a number of revenue streams. More...


A Long-Term Investment
UT students become a part of ORNL's technology transfer organization. More...




Technology Spotlight
Seiz Alert: Forewarning Epileptics; Wireless Meter Systems; Hybrid Solar Lighting; More...




Gerald Boyd: The Next Frontier
Technology transfer is the next big frontier that the Lab is pursuing. More...




Detecting Skin Cancer
An optical solution may detect melanoma without a biopsy. More...


A Biological Solution
Researchers harness bacteria to produce uniformly sized magnetic nanoparticles. More...


Dancing Proteins
Scientists use a light beam to separate proteins on a chip. More...


Pursuing the Exotic
Theorists from Oak Ridge and Japan will collaborate on understanding the behavior of exotic nuclei. More...




...And the Winners Are...
Accomplishments of Distinction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...




Early Tech Transfer Pays Dividends
The first successful high tech start-up to be conceived at Oak Ridge National Laboratory was neither encouraged nor nurtured by the lab. More...


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