Build It Here: American Manufacturing

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During the course of our economic recovery since the end of the Great Recession in 2009, domestic manufacturing has been a star. In the past, manufacturing output and job growth have typically lagged behind the economy’s overall recovery in the United States. But this time, manufacturing has led the way.

Manufacturing activity expanded in January at its fastest pace in seven years, recording its 18th month of growth, according to the Institute for Supply Management’s January manufacturing index. As Commerce Department Chief Economist Mark Doms noted recently in his new blog, manufacturing jobs are associated with relatively high wages, hence the commonly used phrase “good jobs” in reference to those created in the industry.

In the video below, U.S. companies from a wide range of industries from health care to plastics talk about why they manufacture their goods in America. The United States offers a highly educated workforce, strong intellectual property protections, and a business climate that supports and encourages innovation. For ET Water, Labcon, Supracor and others, manufacturing in America just makes smart business sense.

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Helping Consumers Buy American-Made

I enjoyed the video, and it makes many of the arguments for why American manufacturing benefits American business. Quality product, proximity to customers, quick time to market, and access to skilled work force.

Although much of the manufacturing focus these days is "business to business" there is truly an interest among individual consumers to buy American-made as well.

It would be great if DOC could help spread the word about how we can purchase American-made for our homes and family.

A volunteer effort to collect this information is

US manufacturing

I certainly hope this video is true. I prefer to buy US made tools because they offer superior quality for the $$, and I like to see that manufacturers can prosper here.