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Archive for the ‘PubMed’ Category

2013 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Now Available

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

The Introduction to MeSH 2013 is now available, including information on its use and structure, as well as recent updates and availability of data. Read more about it:

MEDLINE/PubMed Year-End Processing Activities

Friday, September 7th, 2012

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is currently involved in MEDLINE year-end processing (YEP) activities. These include changing the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and Substance Names on existing MEDLINE citations to conform with the 2013 version of MeSH, and other global changes.

Important Dates
November 14, 2012: NLM expects to temporarily suspend the addition of fully-indexed MEDLINE citations to PubMed. Publisher-supplied and in process citations will continue to be added.

Mid-December 2012: PubMed MEDLINE citations, translation tables, and the MeSH database will have been updated to reflect 2013 MeSH.

For details about the impact on searching from November 14 to mid-December, see: Annual MEDLINE/PubMed Year-End Processing (YEP): Impact on Searching During Fall 2012.

For background information on the general kinds of changes made annually, see: Annual MEDLINE/PubMed Year-End Processing (YEP): Background Information.

What’s New in PMC: Another Facelift

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

PMC (also known as PubMed Central) recently updated its look and feel, to conform to NCBI’s new standards for page design. This redesign allows for a cleaner and more uniform presentation across PMC’s site as well as its article, issue and journal archive pages.

For more information, see Fogelman M. What’s New in PMC: Another Facelift. NLM Tech Bull. 2012 Jul-Aug;(387):e4.

Structured Abstracts: New PubMed® Search Feature

Friday, August 3rd, 2012

A new PubMed® search feature is now available that allows a search for structured abstracts in PubMed. For more information see Structured Abstracts: New PubMed Search Feature. NLM Tech Bull. 2012 Jul-Aug;(387):b1.

Updated Version of MeSH® Vocabulary Video

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

An updated version of the “Branching Out: The MeSH® Vocabulary” video is available now.  There is also a version available for the iPhone.  This 11-minute video is an introduction to the development, structure and use of the MeSH vocabulary.  Enjoy!

PubMed® Filters Sidebar Replaces the Limits Page

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

A major change is coming to PubMed® soon:  a filters sidebar will replace the limits page.  For details, view the NLM Technical Bulletin article dated May 2, 2012.

What is the Wing of Zock? Why is their posting about Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) both of interest and helpful to PubMed® users?

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

What is it?
It is a newish blog “for faculty, residents and students at medical schools and teaching hospitals that highlights innovation in academic medicine.” You can find the blog at

“Wing of Zock was created to be the online community of choice for faculty, residents, students, and executives at medical schools and teaching hospitals. Through a blog format, we hope to provide a venue for practitioners of academic medicine to share success stories; and to help academic medical centers (AMCs) prepare for health care transformation by sharing best practices. We will highlight innovations in clinical care, community engagement, medical information, technology and more. It is our goal to create an open community of learning that features idea sharing, communication, and robust discussion.”

Why is this of interest and helpful to PubMed users?
The entry for Wednesday, March 28, 2012 is titled Utility, Development, and Practice: The Learning Curve of Clinical Practice Guidelines

In the MeSH Database we are offered information about a PubMed publication type:

Practice Guideline [Publication Type]
Work consisting of a set of directions or principles to assist the health care practitioner with patient care decisions about appropriate diagnostic, therapeutic, or other clinical procedures for specific clinical circumstances. Practice guidelines may be developed by government agencies at any level, institutions, organizations such as professional societies or governing boards, or by the convening of expert panels. They can provide a foundation for assessing and evaluating the quality and effectiveness of health care in terms of measuring improved health, reduction of variation in services or procedures performed, and reduction of variation in outcomes of health care delivered.
Year introduced: 2008(1992)

As librarians OR information gathers OR information disseminators OR information guiders OR data curators who use PubMed to search for published biomedical literature. We take advantage of a controlled vocabulary but are not involved in the delivery of medicine. Therefore it is of great interest to read about the creation and implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs).

This is not the only Zock blog entry I have found of interest. I recommend their postings as a source of enrichment for understanding not just the vocabulary but also the thinking of health care practitioners. For enlightenment on health care issues I would think the audience for these blog postings would be universal.

In case you are curious about their name, please read “our name” on their link

PubMed Results Added to NLM Web Site Search Spotlight

Friday, January 27th, 2012

The National Library of Medicine’s main web [] site search added PubMed results to its spotlight feature. The new “PubMed Citations” tab includes the first five citations returned by PubMed. The results include the title of the citation linked to its PubMed record. Clicking on the “See more article citations…” link retrieves the complete results set for the search term(s) in PubMed.
The spotlight displays up to three tabs depending on the search term(s):

  • “NLM Selected Resources” highlights NLM products and services
  • “MedlinePlus Health Information” highlights the most relevant MedlinePlus health topic
  • “PubMed Citations” highlights the first five article citations as returned by PubMed
  • Follow this link to read the entire Technical Bulletin announcement: >

    MEDLINE Year End Changes

    Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

    Did you know that “Text Messaging,” “Patient Safety,” and “Renewable Energy” are new MeSH® headings? These are among the 454 new MeSH headings added to the vocabulary in 2012.

    More information about the 2012 changes to MeSH are available in a new Technical Bulletin article, which compiles all of the notable MEDLINE data changes in one place. The article includes details about updates to the MeSH vocabulary including changes to the MeSH headings, updated MeSH in MEDLINE citations, a list of new MeSH headings of special interest to searchers, and the impact of notable MeSH changes on searching.

    “Bringing Scientific Evidence into Clinical Practice” Lecture

    Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

    I received the link below in June 2011.  It took only four months until I “found my way” to view this 67 minute archived videocast.  I found it well worth the investment of time.

    NLM’s Extramural Programs (EP) hosted a lecture by one of their Biomedical Library and Informatics Review Committee  (BLIRC) member, Dr. Eneida Mendonca on Wednesday, June 8, 2011.  The lecture was entitled, “Bringing scientific evidence into clinical practice: challenges, successes and failures.”  It is available from

    According to the University of Wisconsin Madison Biostatistics and Medical Informatics website Dr. Mendonca focuses on the “investigation of the use of natural language processing in both biomedical literature and in electronic medical record narratives in order to identify knowledge relevant to medical decision making in the context of patient care.”

    This presentation addresses Dr. Mendonca’s study of the use of speech recognition software at the point of care to avoid disruption of patient care but to allow for the communication of clinical questions to promote treatment based on informed decisions.

    The goal of the study is analyze the efforts to translate high-level information needs into an effective search strategy using the most appropriate biomedical electronic resources.

    What makes it particularly pertinent to medical librarians is the conversation about the cognitive study of librarians as they formulate queries.  The study analyzes and evaluates the search results found using PubMed and other electronic resources such as UptoDate, STAT!Ref, etc.

    As in most initial studies there are more questions posed than answers given.