General Information

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Richard J. Wilke

Chemical Associate II


  • State University of New York at Stony Brook, M.S., Marine Environmental Sciences
  • Florida Institute of Technology, B.S., Chemical Oceanography.

Areas of Interest

  • Perflourocarbon tracers
  • Anthropogenic tracers
  • Estuarine geochemistry


  • Over 400 days at sea involved in various oceanographic research programs. Responsible for all aspects of field oceanographic studies - sampling scheme, sampling, sample analysis, post-analysis data processing, instrument design and operation, computer maintenance and operation
  • Experience with gas chromatography, coulometry, HPLC, spectrophotometry
  • Building manager, Work control coordinator, 90-day site manager for over 5 years

Publications (since 2001)

Watson, T B., Wilke R., Dietz, R. N., Heiser, J., and Kalb P. The Atmospheric Background of Perfluorocarbon Compounds Used as Tracers. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41, 6909-6913 (2007).

Watson, T. B., Heiser, J., Kalb, P., Dietz, R. N., Wilke, R., Wieser, R., and Vignato, G. The New York City Urban Dispersion Program March 2005 Field Study: Tracer methods and results. Formal Report, BNL-75592-2006-FR, 2006.

Newman, G. C., Hospod, F. E., Patlak, C. S., Trowbridge, S. D., Wilke, R. J., Fuhrmann, M., and Jones, K. W. Calcium compartments in brain. J. Cerebral Blood Flow Metab. 22, 479-489 (2002).

Heiser, J., Sullivan, T., Kalb, P., Milian, L., Wilke, R., Newson, C., and Lilimpakis, M. Characterization of leak pathways in the below grade ducts of the Brookhaven Graphite Reactor using perfluorocarbon tracers. Formal Report, BNL-52629, May 2001.