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Galina Yakubova

Research Associate


  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, PhD. Nuclear Engineering
  • The Polytechnic Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, MS. Automation of experimental researches
  • The Institute of Aviation Appliance-Construction, St. Petersburg, Russia, MS. Electronic Computing Machine


  • The American Nuclear Society

Areas of Interest

  • Research in the field of the neutron activation analysis of the soil
  • Research in the field of radiological environmental monitoring, health physics
  • Research in the field of metrology of ionizing radiation
  • Design of the nuclear batteries with vacuum and solid dielectric and study its electrical characteristics. Investigation of the space-charge behavior in beta irradiated dielectrics


  • Research in the field of the determination of carbon in soil by neutron activation method.
  • Data analysis of the gamma-spectra.
  • Basic research in the field of direct charge nuclear batteries. Development of alpha and beta direct charge nuclear batteries with vacuum and solid dielectric. Investigation of the internal space charge distribution in the dielectric under beta irradiation.
  • Data analysis of the charging process in nuclear batteries, and electrical characteristics of the devices.
  • Managing all aspects of metrological documentation: R&D reports, technical reports, specifications; device certification programs and techniques, with emphasis on the measurement of radiation-physical parameters of ionizing radiation sources;
    • Development of the metrological certifications for ionizing radiation instruments;
    • Development of the measuring technique for determination of the radioactive isotope activity in the ionizing radiations sources, tritium in air, and other environmental samples;
    • Development of the technique in the field of health physics.
  • Working knowledge of software: MatLab, MathCad, KaleidaGraph, Origin, IGOR, Geant4


Kavetskiy A., Yakubova G., Bower K. et al. Efficiency of Pm-147 Direct Charge Radioisotope Battery, Applied radiation and isotopes, 69, 744, 2011.

Kavetsky A., Yakubova G., Yousaf S.M., Bower K. Tritium battery with solid dielectric, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 168, 1, 2011.

Kavetsky A., Yakubova G., Lin Q., et al. Prometium-147 Capacitor, Applied radiation and isotopes, 67, 1057, 2009.

Kavetsky A., Yakubova G., Sychov M., et al. Tritium-charged capacitor, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 158, 321, 2008.

Sychov M., Kavetsky A., Yakubova G., et al. Alpha indirect conversion radioisotope power source. Applied radiation and isotopes, 66,173, 2008.

Kavetsky A., Yakubova G., Sychov M., et al. Tritium “atomic battery”. Investigation by chemistry, technology and application of radioactivity. Proceedings of Technological institute, Sankt-Petersburg, 2008, 46 (in Russian).

Representative Presentations

Sychov M., Kavetsky A., Yakubova G., et al. Alpha indirect conversion radioisotope power source, The 232nd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, 10-14 Sept., 2006.

Kavetsky A., Yakubova G., Sychov M., et al. Autonomous direct charge alpha cell using tritium-charged capacitor to bias the secondary electron mesh. The 232nd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, 10-14 Sept., 2006.