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Lucian Wielopolski



  • Technion Institute of Technology, B.Sc.,  Electrical Engineering; M.Sc. Nuclear Sciences
  • North Carolina State University, Ph.D.,  Nuclear Engineering

Professional Affiliations

  • American Physical Society
  • American Association of Physicists in Medicine
  • Environmental and Engineering
  • Geophysical Society

Areas of Interest

  • Applied nuclear spectroscopy
  • Monte Carlo simulation
  • Non-destructive monitoring and elemental analysis
  • Numerical analysis
  • Effects of CO2 enrichment on soil content


  • Monte Carlo modeling, nuclear electronics and system design
  • Nuclear spectroscopy of charged particles, neutrons, gamma radiation and x-rays
  • Elemental analysis using: charged particles Rutherford backscattering, prompt and delayed neutron gamma activation, neutron inelastic scattering, gamma nuclear resonance scattering, gamma activation and x-rays
  • Developed systems for elemental (Pb, Fe, K, Ca, Cl, Na, N, C) analysis in human body in vivo.
  • Recipient of IR-100 award for developing a system to measure Pb in children in vivo
  • Organized and chaired international workshop on XRF
  • Medical physics in radiation oncology
  • In situ analysis of tree root systems using ground penetrating radar and soil carbon analysis

Selected Publications (since 2001)

Mitra, S., Wielopolski, L., Omonode, R., Novak, J., Frederick, J., and Chan, A. Non-invasive Field Measurements of Soil Water Content Using a Pulsed 14 MeV Neutron Generator. Soil & Tillage Research 120, 130–136 (2012).

Wielopolski, L. and Doron, O. Nuclear spectroscopy for in situ soil elemental analysis: Monte Carlo simulations. Applied Rad. Isotopes 70, 1085-1088, doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2011.11.027 (2012).

Zhou, X., Lakkaraju, V. R., Apple, M., Dobeck, L. M., Gullickson, K., Shaw, J. A., Cunningham, A. B., Wielopolski, L., and Spangler, L. H. Experimental observation of signature changes in bulk soil electrical conductivity in response to engineered surface CO2 leakage. Internatl. J. Greenhouse Gas Contr. 7, 20-29, doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2011.12.006 (2012).

Wielopolski, L., Asselin, P. K., Ramirez, L. M., and Bauman, W. A. The Ubiquity of Background Radiation and the Clinical Utility of Naturally Occurring Potassium-40 in Human Body. In Gamma Rays: Technology, Applications and Health Implications, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., in press, New York, 2012.

Wielopolski, L. Nuclear Methodology for Non-Destructive Multi-Elemental Analysis of Large Volumes of Soil. In Planet Earth 2011 - Global Warming Challenges and Opportunities for Policy and Practice, E. G. Carayannis, Ed., Ch 21, pp. 467-492, Intech Open Science, 2011.

Wielopolski, L. Geological Carbon Sequestration: A New Approach for Near-Surface Assurance Monitoring. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 8, 818-829 (2011).

Wielopolski, L., Mitra, S., Chatterjee, A., and Lal, R. In situ determination of soil carbon pool by inelastic neutron scattering: Comparison with dry combustion. Geoderma 160, 394-399 (2011).

Ramirez, L. T., Asare, N. K., Wang, Z. M., Gallagher, D., Wang, J., and Wielopolski, L. Body cell mass: Estimation from partial body potassium. Faseb J. 18, Abstract #7568 (2004).

Ramirez, L. M. and Wielopolski, L. Analysis of potassium spectra with low counting statistics using trapezoidal and library least-squares methods. Applied Rad. Isotopes 61, 1367-1373, doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2004.03.125 (2004).

Mitra, S., Wielopolski, L., and Hendrey, G. Comparison of a digital and an analog signal processing system for neutron inelastic gamma-ray spectrometry. Appl. Rad. Isotopes 61, 1463-1468 (2004).

Mitra, S., Wielopolski, L., and Hendrey, G. Comparison of a digital versus an analog signal processing system for neutron inelastic gamma ray spectrometry. J. Appl. Rad. Isotopes 61, 1367-1373 (2004).

Johnston, C. A., Groffman, P., Breshears, D. B., Cardon, Z. G., Currie, W., Emanuel, W., Gaudinski, J., Jackson, R. B., Lajtha, K., Nadelhoffer, K., Nelson Jr., D., Post, W. M., Retallack, G., and Wielopolski, L. Carbon cycling in soil. Front. Ecol. Environ. 2, 522-528 (2004).

Lee, R., Ramirez, L., Wielopolski, L., Heymsfield, S., and Wang, Z. Ratio of soft-tissue mineral to total-body water: A stable body composition ratio. Int. J. Body Comp. Res. 1, 1-4 (2003).

Burmeister, J., Riley, K., Coderre, J., Harling, O., Ma, R., Wielopolski, L., Kota, C., and Maughan, R. Microdosimetric intercomparison of BNCT beams at BNL and MIT. Medical Physics 30, 2131-2139 (2003).

Orion, I. and Wielopolski, L. Response function of the BGO and NaI (T1) detectors using Monte Carlo simulations. In Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - In Vivo Body Composition Studies, S. Yasumura, J. Wang, and J. R. N. Pierson, Eds., 904, pp. 271-275, New York Academy of Sciences, 2001.