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David Troyan

Scientific Associate

David is a Scientific Associate working as an applications programmer for the DOE’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program. He has developed programs that create atmospheric state and thermodynamic profiles using data from multiple ARM instruments. These Value-Added Products (VAPs) are among the most used products from the ARM Data Archive. The VAPs developed by David include high resolution profiles combining radiosonde and model data (Mergesonde), high resolution radiosonde profiles (Interpolatedsonde), humidity corrected radiosonde profiles (Sondeadjust), and cloud boundaries and hydrometeor detection (WACR-ARSCL). Understanding the structure of Atmospheric Science using the tools of domain analysis – bibliometrics, ontologies, and metadata characteristics – is part of his doctoral research agenda.


  • Long Island University, Ph.D. (current pursuing), Information Studies
  • Hofstra University, M.S., Computer Science
  • SUNY Stony Brook, M.S., Applied Mathematics and Statistics
  • Long Island University, M.S., Library and Information Science
  • Hofstra University, B.S., Computer Science


  • American Geophysical Union
  • American Society for Information Science and Technology

Areas of Interest

  • Application Programming
  • Radar Meteorology
  • Atmospheric Profiling
  • Knowledge Organization


  • Scientific Associate II, Atmospheric Sciences Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2001-present

External Service

  • Assistant Director, Riverhead Free Library, Riverhead, NY

Selected Publications (since 2005)

Troyan D., 2012:  Sonde Adjust Value-Added Product Technical Report. DOE/SC-ARM-TR-102.

Troyan D., 2010:  Merged Sounding Value-Added Product. DOE/SC-ARM/TR-087.

Kollias, P., M.A. Miller, K.L. Johnson, M.P. Jensen, and D.T. Troyan, 2009:  Cloud, thermodynamic, and precipitation observations in West Africa during 2006. J. Geophys. Res. 114, 10.1029/2008JD010641.

Jensen M and D Troyan, 2006:  Continuous Water Vapor Profiles for the Fixed Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Sites: 2006 ARM Metric First-Quarter Report. U.S. Department of Energy. DOE/SC-ARM/P-06-002.

Miller NL, AW King, MA Miller, EP Springer, ML Wesely, KE Bashford, K Costigan, PN Foster, HK Gibbs, J Jin, ME Conrad, J Klazura, BM Lesht, MV Machavaram, F Pan, J Song, D Troyan, and RA Washington-Allen. 2005. "The DOE Water Cycle Pilot Study.  Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 86, 359-374.