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Alistair Rogers


Alistair Rogers has over ten year’s research experience in the physiological, biochemical and molecular adaptations of plants to global change. His research has focused on the long-term effect of elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide on plants grown in the field using Free Air CO2 Enrichment technology.


  • University of Wales, Bangor, BSc., Joint Hons. Biochemistry and Botany
  • University of Essex, Ph.D., Biology

Areas of Interest

  • Molecular, biochemical, and physiological mechanisms underlying the responses of plants to global change

Awards, Honors and Memberships

  • 2009 Outstanding Mentor. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Undergraduate Research Programs.
  • 2004 Outstanding Mentor. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Undergraduate Research Programs.
  • 2002 Outstanding Mentor. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Undergraduate Research Programs.
  • Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Global Change Biology.
  • Member of the American Society of Plant Biologists and the Ecological Society of America.

Selected Publications (since 2000)

Rogers, A., McDonald, K., Muehlbauer, M. F., Hoffman, A., Koenig, K., Newman, L., Taghavi, S., and Van Der Lelie, D. Inoculation of hybrid poplar with the endophytic bacterium Enterobacter sp. 638 increases biomass but does not impact leaf level physiology. GCB Bioenergy 4, 364–370, doi:10.1111/j.1757-1707.2011.01119.x (2012).

Rogers, A., Gibon, Y., Stitt, M., Morgan, P. B., Bernacchi, C. J., Ort, D. R., and Long, S. P. Increased C availability at elevated carbon dioxide concentration improves N assimmilation in a legume. Plant Cell Environ. 29, 1651–1658 (2006).

Rogers, A., Ainsworth, E. A., and Kammann, C. FACE Value: Perspectives on the future of free-air CO2 enrichment studies. In Managed Ecosystems and CO2 Case Studies, Processes, and Perspectives, Ecological Studies, Vol. 187, J. Nosberger, S. P. Long, R. J. Norby, M. Stitt, G. R. Hendrey, and H. Blum, Eds., pp. 431-449, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.

Rogers, A. and Ainsworth, E. A. The response of foliar carbohydrates to elevated CO2. In Managed Ecosystems and CO2 Case Studies, Processes, and Perspectives, Ecological Studies, Vol. 187, J. Nosberger, S. P. Long, R. J. Norby, M. Stitt, G. R. Hendrey, and H. Blum, Eds., pp. 293-308, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.

Ort, D. R., Ainsworth, E. A., Aldea, M., Allen, D. J., Bernacchi, C. J., Berenbaum, M. R., Bollero, G. A., Cornic, G., Davey, P. A., Dermody, O., Dohleman, F. G., Hamilton, J. G., Heaton, E. A., Leakey, A. D. B., Mahoney, J., Mies, T. A., Morgan, P. B., Nelson, R. L., O'Neil, B., Rogers, A., Zangerl, A. R., Zhu, X.-G., Delucia, E. H., and Long, S. P. SoyFACE: the Effects and Interactions of Elevated [CO,] and [O,] on Soybean. In Ecological Studies, Vol. 187, Managed Ecosystems and CO; Case Studies, Processes, and Perspectives, J. Nosberger, S. P. Long, R. J. Norby, M. Stitt, G. R. Hendrey, and H. Blum, Eds., pp. 71-86, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.

Leakey, A. D. B., Uribelarrea, M., Ainsworth, E. A., Naidu, S. L., Rogers, A., Ort, D. R., and Long, S. P. Photosynthesis, productivity, and yield of maize are not affected by open-air elevation of CO2 concentration in the absence of drought. Plant Physiol. 140, 779-790 (2006).

Bernacchi, C. J., Leakey, A. D. B., Heady, L. E., Morgan, P. B., Dohleman, F. G., Mcgrath, J. M., Gillespie, K. M., Wittig, V. E., Rogers, A., Long, S. P., and Ort, D. R. Hourly and seasonal variation in photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of soybean grown at future CO2 and ozone concentrations for 3 years under fully open-air field conditions. Plant Cell Environ. 29, 2077–2090 (2006).

Ainsworth, E. A., Rogers, A., Vodkin, L. O., Walter, A., and Schurr, U. The effects of elevated CO2 concentration on soybean gene expression: An analysis of growing and mature leaves. Plant Physiology 142, 135–147 (2006).

Rogers, A., Allen, D. J., Davey, P. A., Morgan, P. B., Ainsworth, E. A., Bernacchi, C. J., Cornic, G., Dermody, O., Heaton, E. A., Mahoney, J., Zhu, X.-G., DeLucia, E. H., Ort, D. R., and Long, S. P. Leaf photosynthesis and carbohydrate dynamics of soybeans grown throughout their life-cycle under free-air carbon dioxide enrichment. Plant Cell Environ. 27, 449-458 (2004).

Long, S. P., Ainsworth, E. A., Rogers, A., and Ort, D. R. Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide: Plants FACE the future. Ann. Rev. Plant Biol. 55, 591-628 (2004).

Ainsworth, E. A., Rogers, A., Nelson, R., and Long, S. P. Testing the "source-sink" hypothesis of down-regulation of photosynthesis in elevated [CO2] in the field with single gene substitutions in glycine max. Agricultural Forest Meteorol. 122, 85-94 (2004).

Ainsworth, E. A., Rogers, A., Blum, H., Nösberger, J., and Long, S. P. Variation in acclimation of photosynthesis in Trifolium repens after eight years of exposure to Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE). J. Experimental Botany 54, 2769-2774 (2003).

Rogers, A. and Ellsworth, D. S. Photosynthetic acclimation of Pinus taeda (loblolly pine) to long term growth in elevated pCO2 (FACE). Plant Cell Environ. 25, 851-858 (2002).

Rogers, A., Ellsworth, D. S., and Humphries, S. W. Possible explanation of the disparity between the in vitro and in vivo measurements of Rubisco activity: A study in loblolly pine grown at elevated pCO2. J. Experimental Botany 52, 1555-1561 (2001).

Rogers, A. and Humphries, S. W. A mechanistic evaluation of concomitant photosynthetic acclimation and stimulation at elevated CO2. Global Change Biology 6, 1005-1011 (2000).