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Fan Mei

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Fan is currently working as a postdoctoral research associate with Jian Wang, investigating aerosol microphysical properties in three recent field campaigns: CalNex, CARES and ALC-IOP. In addition, she is also mentoring DOE ACSM instruments which are deployed in AOS system in SGP site, MAOS-A and AMF2.


  • Washington University in St. Louis, PhD, Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
  • Washington University in St. Louis, MS. Chemical Engineering
  • Tsinghua University, BS, Chemical Engineering


  • American Geophysical Union
  • American Association for Aerosol Research

Areas of Interest

  • Characterization of atmospheric aerosol physical and chemical properties
  • Aerosol instrumentation, instrument design and modification
  • Aerosol formation and application


  • Postdoctoral Research Associate in Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2010-present
  • Postdoctoral Fellow in Particulate Laboratory, 2008-2009
  • Graduate Research Assistant in Particulate Laboratory, 2005-2008
  • Graduate Research Assistant in Chemical Research Engineering Laboratory (CREL), 2004-2005
  • Graduate Research Assistant in Material Research Laboratory, 2003-2004
  • Graduate Research Assistant in the State Key Laboratory in China, 2000-2002
  • Undergraduate Research Assistant in the Beijing Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology in China, 1998-2000


Mei, Fan, Patrick Hayes, Amber Ortega, Jose-Luis Jimenez, J. Taylor, J. Allan, deGouw Joost, Jian Wang, Cloud Activation Properties of Organic Aerosols Observed at an Urban site during CalNex-LA. J. Geophys. Res., to be submitted (2012).

Mei, F., Fu, H., and Chen, D.-R. A cost-effective differential mobility analyzer (cDMA) for multiple DMA column applications. J. Aerosol Sci. 42, 462–473, doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2011.04.001 (2011).

Mei, Fan and Da-Ren Chen. Morphology Transition in Electrospinning Polymers by a Dual-capillary System. J. Applied Polymer Sci. 115, 204–215 (2010).

Lee, Yi-Hsuan,  Fan Mei, Meng-Yi Bai, Suling Zhao,and  Da-Ren Chen, Release Profile Characteristics of Biodegradable-Polymer-coated Drug Particles Fabricated by Dual-capillary Electrospray. J.  Control. Rel. 145 (1), 58-65 (2010).

Fu, Huijing, Jun He, Fan Mei, et al. Lung Cancer Inhibitory Effect of Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate is dependent on its Presence in a Complex Mixture (Polyphenon E). Cancer Prevention Res. 2, 531-537 (2009).

Mei, Fan and Da-Ren Chen. Spray Current and Droplet Size in a Dual-capillary Electrospray for the Cases of Inner-driving. American Association for Aerosol Research 28th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 26-30, 2009.

Mei, Fan and Da-Ren Chen. Operational Modes of Dual-capillary Electrospraying and the Formation of the Stable Compound Cone-jet Mode. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 8 (2), 218-232 (2008).

Mei, Fan and Da-Ren Chen, Morphology Control of Particles Produced by a Dual-capillary Electrospraying System, American Association for Aerosol Research 27th Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, Oct. 20-24, 2008.

Mei, Fan and Da-Ren Chen. Investigation of Compound Jet Electrospray: Particle Encapsulation. Phys. Fluids 19, 103303, doi:10.1063/1.2775976 (2007).

Mei, Fan and Da-Ren Chen. Gold Colloid Particle Coating Process using Electrospray. 2006 International Aerosol Conference, St. Paul, MN, Sept. 10-15, 2006.

Qin, Wei, Sheng Wang, Fan Mei, Yi Lin, and Youyuan Dai. Pretreatment and Resource Utilization of Industrial Effluent with Benzoic Acid. Chinese J. Environ. Sci. 4, 321 (2004). (in Chinese)

Jing, Shan, Sheng Huang, Fan Mei, Yu Bian, Jingfu Wang, and Yong Jin. Experimental study on the hung-up regime in hopper-standpipe systems for Geldart-A powders. Chem. Eng. Process. 42, 39-43 (2003).

Mei, Fan, Wei Qin, and Youyuan Dai. Extraction Equilibriums of Benzoic Acid with Tri-butyl Phosphate in Kerosene and 1-Octanol. J. Chem. Eng. Data 47 (4), 941-943 (2002).