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Laurie Gregory

Data System Engineer

Laurie Gregory is a data system engineer for the ARM infrastructure. Her work has included the design, development, and operation of the ARM External Data Center. She has experience with data acquisition and analysis of surface, model and satellite data, which is used to augment data generated within ARM.  In recent years, she has also taken on the responsibilities of ARM instrument mentor, overseeing and coordinating instrument calibration, data quality, maintenance, upgrades, troubleshooting, deployment, and instrument development for the Cimel Sunphotometer.


  • Stony Brook University, M.S., Computer Science
  • Stony Brook University Honors College, B.S., Computer Science


  • Stony Brook University Honors College Distinguished Alumni Award

Areas of Interest

  • Data system design and development
  • Data acquisition and analysis
  • Application programming
  • Computer Science
  • Atmospheric Science
  • Web development


  • Advanced Applications Engineer, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Scientific Information Systems Group, 1995-present. Data system development and operations, data acquisition and analysis, web development, scientific programming, ARM instrument mentor.
  • Technical Collaborator, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Scientific Information Systems Group, 1993-1995. ARM ingest development.


  • Programming in C, IDL(Interactive Data Language), Perl, Fortran, PHP, SQL
  • Unix system administration
  • Data analysis software: GrADs, NCL, NCO, Terascan
  • Scientific data formats: NetCDF, HDF, GRIB, BUFR

Publications (since 2011)

Gregory L, Wagener R, and L Ma. 2012. Updates on Recent Deployments and Review of Uncertainty Estimates. Presented at 3rd Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team Meeting. Arlington, Virginia.

Wagener R, L Gregory, and L Ma. 2012. An Introduction to the NCEP Rapid Refresh Model Data: the Next-generation Replacement for RUC (Rapid Update Cycle), Presented at 3rd Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team Meeting. Arlington, Virginia.

Wagener R, L Gregory, and L Ma. 2011. Cimel Sun Photometers: Updates on New Deployments and Cloud-mode Zenith Radiance Data. Presented at 2nd Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team Meeting. San Antonio, TX.