Next Generation Materials

Titanium powder and square titanium sheet

Photo credit: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Low-Cost Titanium

Researchers are developing low-cost, energy-efficient manufacturing processes that take advantage of low-cost titanium powder. These novel processing approaches improve the energy efficiency and affordability of this strong, corrosion-resistant material, enabling its use in heat exchangers for desalinization and other commercial applications.

Innovative materials with increased functionality can improve the energy productivity of U.S. manufacturing. Materials with novel properties will enable energy savings in energy-intensive processes and applications and will create a new design space for renewable energy generation.

Breakthroughs in materials science and engineering are needed to enable these new capabilities. Our R&D portfolio will pursue promising materials technologies that offer the potential for major energy, carbon, and economic benefits. Click the areas below to view our current projects in each.

New materials and associated production technologies will help America's manufacturers to reduce costs, reduce energy use, reduce pollution, improve product quality, and increase competitiveness.