U.S. Department of Justice

Court Security Resource Guide

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Jul. 16, 2012

Library ID

  • 026093

Other Information

  • 2012

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “Because courthouses must be accessible and in centralized locations, they are vu[l]nerable to acts of random violence. Courts must have proper court security procedures, technology, personnel, and architectural features, to not only protect the safety of the people and property within and around the courts, but also the integrity of the judicial process. While there is no one solution to issues concerning court security, proper planning must involve collaboration with law enforcement offices, emergency agencies, and governing bodies. Courts must also have emergency management plans in place.” This great set of links related to court security are organized according to featured links, emergency management, facilities, incident reporting, risks to judges, screening policies, state reports, terrorism and homeland security, threat assessment, training, transporting prisoners, and workplace violence.

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