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Contact Us

Call the CAMD hotline: 202-343-9620

Regular or certified mail address

Clean Air Markets Division
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Mail Code 6204J
Washington, DC 20460

Overnight mail address

Clean Air Markets Division (6204J)
1310 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: (202) 343-9150

CAMD Staff Contacts

Emissions Monitoring Contacts

Use the form below to send us a comment or question.

Web Site Comments and Questions

Please browse our Frequent Questions page before using the below form to contact CAMD.


If you would like a reply to your comment, please enter an email address and phone number below and check to make sure they are correct. We will only use contact information to reply to your question; we will not collect or disseminate it.

Note that we need a complete email address of the form “name@somewhere.ending” in order to reply. For example, if you use AOL and your screen name is “Visitor,” you need to enter “visitor@aol.com” instead of “visitor” by itself.

If you have problems using this form, please send your comments by email to CAMD's web manager.


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