| Medical Holding Company 



Monday - Friday:

Available At:
NMCSD Hospital Facility

Medical Holding Company is located in Building 26. It provides housing facilities for active duty enlisted who cannot be immediately returned to full duty. The following personnel are eligible as patients in the MHC:

  1. Assigned to sea duty
  2. Attached to deployable units
  3. Geographically removed from their commands
  4. Permanently detached from their commands for temporary duty under treatment (TEMDU)
  5. Pending completion of the dictation and processing of a medical board
  6. Undergoing continued treatment of not more than 60 days
  7. Personnel on Temporary Additional Duty (TAD) orders for mental health evaluations
  8. Enlisted members from other military services

Note: The MHC does not have the capability to provide medical supervision. While assigned to the MHC, patients are employed with light duties commensurate with their physical conditions.


Check-in Process:
All patients reporting to MHC will initially check in at the Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) desk, located in the Patient Administration Department, Bldg 1, first floor, and then proceed to Bldg. 26, 2nd deck, to check-in with the MHC Leading Petty Officer.