Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Commercial Space Transportation

Aerospace Careers

Join the new race to space in the exciting field of commercial space transportation! As an aerospace engineer or transportation industry analyst in the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Office of Commercial Space Transportation, you will work in the newest transportation sector and work on the latest developments for space flight. We are accepting resumes from applicants seeking challenging career opportunities. Here is a "general" Aerospace Engineer position description to assist in completing your resume.

Federal Aviation Administration
Office of Commercial Space Transportation
Washington, DC
Salary: $44,827 -$125,943

The Office of Commercial Space Transportation hires engineers focused in aerospace applications to support its safety responsibilities through the licensing and regulating of commercial space launches and reentries, and the operation of launch and reentry sites. Employees selected for these positions will:

  • Work in a unique high performance organization to analyze and conduct safety evaluations of proposed space transportation activities. These activities involve the launch or reentry of expendable and reusable launch vehicles and operation of launch and reentry sites.
  • Assess the safety of a wide variety of leading-edge technologies and systems including reusable launch vehicles and expendable launch vehicles.
  • Perform safety inspections of commercial launch and launch site operations to ensure compliance with safety and regulatory requirements.
  • Work with industry to promote and facilitate commercial space transportation.
  • Perform challenging and rewarding work on the development of public safety standards and requirements addressing new reusable and expendable launch vehicle concepts and operations.

Please visit our website to learn more about the types of skills that AST is seeking and to view current FAA job opportunities including AST vacancies.

For further information or questions, please email Christina Vernon or send your request via USPS to:

Federal Aviation Administration/AST
800 Independence Avenue, SW, Suite 331
Washington, DC 20591
Attention : Christina Vernon

Page Last Modified: 12/11/07 10:02 EST

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ast/careers/