Explore the Nazis' sophisticated propaganda campaigns and their legacy.

Timeline Themes Gallery


What Is Propaganda?
Today, the word sounds ominous, conjuring up images of falsehood and manipulation, brainwashing and servility. It stands as the antithesis of objectivity, rationality, and truthfulness. But what is propaganda?
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Incitement to Genocide
When is violent language a crime?
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Poll and Online Forum
Can you create a democratic system while limiting a core democratic principle like freedom of expression?
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Student Activity
Learn more about the mass-produced People's Radio and its use under the Nazi regime.
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Read more in Arabic, Farsi, Italian, Spanish, and Turkish

Special Exhibition

State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda reveals how the Nazi Party used modern techniques as well as new technologies and carefully crafted messages to sway millions with its vision for a new Germany.

Guided Tours
30-minute tours of the exhibition are offered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Inquire at the Museum’s Information Desk for tour times.

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Kimmel-Rowan Gallery
Daily 10 a.m. – 5:20 p.m.
No passes are needed

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State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Progaganda
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Words and Actions: Contexts and Consequences of Propaganda
(DVD Program)
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