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North Carolina

Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (DPPEA) Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
The Organic Wastes Recycling Program at DPPEA promotes and encourages the development of a viable composting and organics recycling industry in North Carolina to reduce the amount of organic wastes being disposed of in landfills. The program provides accurate technical information on how to compost biodegradable materials and stimulates market demand for use of top-quality composts in landscaping, gardening, horticulture, agriculture, wetlands development, and sediment and erosion control.

South Carolina

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
DHEC's Office of Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling Office was created by the S.C. Solid Waste Policy and Management Act of 1991. The Office was designed to provide educational programs, technical assistance and grant funding to local governments, schools, colleges/universities and the public regarding solid waste issues. Their composting Web site offers a wide variety of environmental resources including publications describing the process of composting with valuable tips on what not to compost.


Pollution Prevention Assistance Division - Agriculture & Horticulture Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
The Pollution Prevention Assistance Division (P2AD) offers free, non-regulatory, and confidential assistance on cost-effective ways to prevent, reduce and reuse or recycle wastes, and conserve natural resources. Visit this site for a wide array of information on agricultural and horticultural pollution prevention options and to learn how to obtain the highly popular Landscape Management Manual for Georgia Homeowners.


Florida DEP Composting/Organics Program Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
This program is involved with recycling of organic solid wastes. The main focus is on the production and use of compost made from solid waste, and on yard trash processing facilities. Activities include rulemaking, providing technical assistance on implementing the compost regulations, providing information on the environmental aspects of compost production and use, and processing the yard trash processing facility registration applications.


Composting In Tennessee Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer
The Division of Community Assistance provides technical and financial assistance to various communities of the state. A community may be defined as a county, city, utility district, business, industry, school, association, or general public. The site provides a list of links to general information related to composting.

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