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Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program

Human Genome News Archive Edition
Vol.11, No. 3-4   July 2001
Available in PDF
In this issue...

In the News
* Genomes to Life
* DOE Microbial Cell Project
* Human Genome Draft
* Genome Perspective
* Honor for DeLisi
* New NIH Institute
* Structural Genomics
* Imaging Structures
* Synchrotron Use
* Proteome Organisation
* Breast Cancer Research
* Gene Expressions Used
* Nuclear Medicine
* Nuclear Medicine Labs
* Toxicogenomics Center
* Kettering Prize
* Zeta Phi Beta Conference
* Microbial Genomes
* Sloan-DOE Fellowships
* Ribosomes Illuminated
* In Memoriam: Walter Goad

Comparative Genomics
* Model Organism Studies
* Sushi Delicacy
* Arabidopsis Sequence
* AAAS Prize
* Microbial Conference
Flyer; "Microbe Month"
VISTA Software
* ORNL Mouse Program
MicroCAT Scanner Used
Draft Sequence Achieved
NCBI Mouse Resources
Human-Mouse Comparisons
MGI Allele Searching

Web, Publications, Resources
* Next-Generation Computing
* HGMIS Resources
* NSF QSB Report
* Structural Biology Basics
Minorities and the HGP
HGP Educational Kit
Testing, Counseling Resources
Biotech, ELSI Websites
Biotech Encyclopedia
ASM Report
Nature Yearbook
* Next Wave Publication
* High-School Curriculum
* Education CD-ROMs
* Exploring DNA in the Classroom

* US Genome Research Funding
UK Scholarships, PostDocs

Meeting Calendars & Acronyms
* Genome and Biotechnology Meetings
* Training Courses and Workshops
* Acronyms

* HGN archives and subscriptions

Human Genome Project Information home

Biotechnology Institute Publishes Resources for Exploring DNA in the Classroom

With the support of the DOE Human Genome Program, the Biotechnology Institute has published an interactive CD-ROM for 7th to 12th grade classrooms. DNA and Genes Odyssey, which can be used on PC or MAC, contains seven lectures, numerous animations, and an extensive teacher's guide and is accompanied by a short videotape. Lecture topics are "DNA and Genes Basics," "Uniqueness and Inheritance," "Human Genome Program," "Genetic Testing," "Evolutionary Biology," "Careers," and "Predicting the Future." Lecture overheads and teacher materials can be displayed on screen or printed. A teacher survey is available online [Order form].

The spring issue of Your World magazine, Cracking the Code, explores the impact of the Human Genome Project. Its publication coincided with the release of a 2-hour television special titled "Cracking the Code of Life," produced by NOVA and WGBH-TV and broadcast on PBS stations ( nova/genome). Written for 7th to 10th graders, Your World is the magazine of biotechnology fundamentals and applications in healthcare, agriculture, the environment, and industry. The publishers are preparing Cancer and Biotechnology for the fall issue and Microbial Genomics for spring 2002. [Contact for CD-ROM and magazine:; Website]

Text versions of main articles and the teacher's guide for the 1997 Human Genome issue of Your World magazine are on the Web.


The electronic form of the newsletter may be cited in the following style:
Human Genome Program, U.S. Department of Energy, Human Genome News (v11n3-4).

Last modified: Wednesday, March 26, 2008

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Site sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Human Genome Program