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Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program

Human Genome News Archive Edition
Vol.11, No. 3-4   July 2001
Available in PDF
In this issue...

In the News
* Genomes to Life
* DOE Microbial Cell Project
* Human Genome Draft
* Genome Perspective
* Honor for DeLisi
* New NIH Institute
* Structural Genomics
* Imaging Structures
* Synchrotron Use
* Proteome Organisation
* Breast Cancer Research
* Gene Expressions Used
* Nuclear Medicine
* Nuclear Medicine Labs
* Toxicogenomics Center
* Kettering Prize
* Zeta Phi Beta Conference
* Microbial Genomes
* Sloan-DOE Fellowships
* Ribosomes Illuminated
* In Memoriam: Walter Goad

Comparative Genomics
* Model Organism Studies
* Sushi Delicacy
* Arabidopsis Sequence
* AAAS Prize
* Microbial Conference
Flyer; "Microbe Month"
VISTA Software
* ORNL Mouse Program
MicroCAT Scanner Used
Draft Sequence Achieved
NCBI Mouse Resources
Human-Mouse Comparisons
MGI Allele Searching

Web, Publications, Resources
* Next-Generation Computing
* HGMIS Resources
* NSF QSB Report
* Structural Biology Basics
Minorities and the HGP
HGP Educational Kit
Testing, Counseling Resources
Biotech, ELSI Websites
Biotech Encyclopedia
ASM Report
Nature Yearbook
* Next Wave Publication
* High-School Curriculum
* Education CD-ROMs
* Exploring DNA in the Classroom

* US Genome Research Funding
UK Scholarships, PostDocs

Meeting Calendars & Acronyms
* Genome and Biotechnology Meetings
* Training Courses and Workshops
* Acronyms

* HGN archives and subscriptions

Human Genome Project Information home


HGP Fact Sheet Published
Updating articles drawn from the November 2000 issue of Human Genome News, the Human Genome Management Information System (HGMIS) has published the 4-page Human Genome Project Fact Sheet to provide quick and timely answers to frequently asked questions. Topics include gene patenting, the "rivalry" between public and private sectors, HGP funding since 1987, and challenges for the future. This free document is available in bulk for meetings and educational purposes (865/576-6669,

HGP Handouts
HGMIS will send multiple copies of HGN and other genomics-related materials to relevant meetings on request and without charge. (865/576-6669,

HGMIS Requests Change of Address, Subscription Status
After each issue of HGN is printed and mailed, many copies are returned to HGMIS because the addressee has moved. Some subscribers may wish to drop their print subscriptions. Please notify HGMIS via this form. of a change in address or subscription status or to request information.

HGMIS Documents, Web Site Win Awards
The DOE Microbial Genome Program Report, produced by HGMIS, won a number of awards in the 2000 2001 competitions sponsored by the Society for Technical Communication (STC). HGMIS was initiated in 1989 by DOE to make information about the Human Genome Project accessible to many audiences.

In the STC East Tennessee Chapter (ETC) competition, the microbial report received a Distinguished (first place) Award in Online Communications and two Merit (third place) Awards, one in Technical Publications and the other in Technical Art. In addition, the document was judged ETC's Best of Show in Online Communications and went on to receive another Distinguished Award at the international level. Only first place winners in chapter competitions were eligible for the international contest.

A HGMIS entry in the News and Trade Articles category, "Genes, Dreams, and Reality: The Promises and Risks of the New Genetics" by Denise Casey, won a Merit Award in Technical Publications. The article appeared in the journal Judicature 83(3).

STC, the largest organization of its type in the world, is dedicated to advancing the arts and sciences of technical communication. Its 25,000 members include writers, editors, illustrators, printers, publishers, educators, students, engineers, and scientists employed in a variety of technological fields.

Web Awards
HGMIS also has received numerous awards and recognitions for its Human Genome Project Information Web site. Some recent ones are from Scientific American, Schoolsnet, BigChalk, KidsHealth, CyberU, sciLINKs, Geniusfind, ISI, Hardin MD, Awesome Library, and ResPool Research Network.

High-quality, original graphics can be downloaded from the HGMIS Web site. No permission is needed, but please let HGMIS know where they were used.

Please cite the U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Progam and list the Web site's home page.

The electronic form of the newsletter may be cited in the following style:
Human Genome Program, U.S. Department of Energy, Human Genome News (v11n3-4).

Last modified: Wednesday, August 24, 2011

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Document Use and Credits
Publications and webpages on this site were created by the U.S. Department of Energy Genome Program's Biological and Environmental Research Information System (BERIS). Permission to use these documents is not needed, but please credit the U.S. Department of Energy Genome Programs and provide the website All other materials were provided by third parties and not created by the U.S. Department of Energy. You must contact the person listed in the citation before using those documents.

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Site sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Human Genome Program