Digest of United States Practice in International Law 2006

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In order to assist readers in locating the full text of documents that are excerpted in the 2006 Digest and readily accessible elsewhere, the volume includes citations to Internet or other public sources. This listing has been created for documents that are not readily available in hard copy or retrievable from elsewhere in electronic format.

List of Documents

Chapter 1: Nationality, Citizenship and Immigration

  1. U.S. submission in American Academy of Religion v. Chertoff (S.D.N.Y., March 31, 2006)
  2. U.S. supplemental submission in American Academy of Religion ( April 24, 2006)
  3. U.S. submission in Posada-Carriles v. Campos (D.W.D. Tex., October 5, 2006)
  4. Interim Decision to Continue Detention, attachment to U.S. submission in Posada-Carriles ( Oct. 5, 2006)
  5. U.S. Response to Posada’s Reply to Respondents’ Objections (Oct. 13, 2006)
  6. Show Cause Order issued by court in Posada-Carriles (Nov. 2, 2006)
  7. Secretary of State Rice’s determination of admissibility to U.S. of Karen refugees from Burma living in Tham Hin camp in Thailand (May 5, 2006)
  8. Secretary Rice’s determination of admissibility to U.S. of Karen refugees from Burma living in various camps in Thailand (August 24, 2006)
  9. Secretary Rice’s determination of admissibility to U.S. of Chin refugees from Burma living in Malaysia, India or Thailand (October 11, 2006)
  10. Department of State press statement on forcible return of Uzbek asylum seekers (March 21, 2006)

Chapter 2: Consular and Judicial Assistance and Related Issues

  1. Court order requesting supplemental memoranda in Jogi v Voges (7th Cir., September 11, 2006)
  2. U.S. supplemental memorandum in Jogi v Voges (7th Cir., October 5, 2006)
  3. U.S. amicus brief re Cornejo v. County of San Diego (9th Cir., October 13, 2006)
  4. Note from Department of State to Embassy of South Africa re consular notification (December 20, 2006)
  5. U.S.-Jordan Memorandum of Understanding on Consular Cooperation in Cases Concerning Parental Access to Children (May 15, 2006)
  6. Letter from the Bureau of Consular Affairs to a state official re apostille certificates (March 3, 2006)
  7. U.S. declaration in U.S. v Stratievsky (N.D. Ill., 2006) re judicial assistance (November 3, 2006)


Chapter 3: International Criminal Law

  1. Department of State responses to SFRC questions for the record, re U.S./UK extradition treaty (2005 hearing)
  2. Written responses to SFRC questions for the record, re U.S./UK extradition treaty (2006 hearing)
  3. U.S. brief in Mironescu v Costner (M.D.N.C. 2006)
  4. U.S. remarks at UN 6th Committee (ILC report), extradite or prosecute obligation (November 3, 2006)
  5. Legal Adviser Bellinger’s speech in Rome on the 5th Anniversary of September 11th (September 11, 2006)
  6. Eurojust Agreement (November 6, 2006)
  7. Legal Adviser Bellinger’s speech, “Reflections on Transatlantic Approaches to International Law”, given at Duke Law School (November 15, 2006)
  8. U.S. brief in Humanitarian Law Project v Gonzales (9th Cir., April 2006)
  9. Department of State testimony before the SFRC on the UN Convention Against Corruption (June 21, 2006)
  10. Legal Adviser Bellinger’s remarks on international tribunals, at GW Law School conference (May 11, 2006)
  11. Legal Adviser Bellinger’s remarks on international terrorists, at the 29th Round Table on Current Problems of International Humanitarian Law
  12. ICTY decision in Prosecutor v Ojdanic (May 12, 2006)
  13. Legal Adviser Bellinger’s address at Chatham House, London, “Supporting Justice and Accountability in Iraq” (February 9, 2006)

Chapter 4: Treaty Affairs


  1. U.S. statement to the UN 6th Committee (ILC report) re unilateral acts of states (October 30, 2006)
  2. Legal Adviser Bellinger’s speech, “Reflections on Transatlantic Approaches to International Law”, (November 15, 2006). See Doc. 24.
  3. U.S. remarks before the Committee on Human Rights re U.S. implementation of the ICCPR (July 17-18, 2006)
  4. Response to SFRC questions on Corruption Convention (travaux préparatoire)
  5. Report of the Legal Committee on the Work of the 92nd Session, International Maritime Organization, IMO Doc. LEG 92/13 (Oct. 16-20, 2006)
  6. U.S. statements on Athens Convention
  7. U.S. statement to the UN 6th Committee (LC report) re reservations to treaties. See Doc. 31.
  8. U.S. statement to the UN 6th Committee (ILC report) re effect of armed conflicts on treaties. See Doc. 21.

Chapter 5: Foreign Relations

  1. U.S. motion to dismiss in People of Bikini v United States (September 15, 2006)
  2. U.S. submission in Ismael John v The United States (September 18, 2006)

Chapter 6: Human Rights


  1. U.S. comments on report of the Committee on World Food Security’s 32nd session (November 2006)
  2. U.S. statement on certain aspects of the Voluntary Guidelines adopted by the FAO Council (2004)
  3. Legal Adviser Bellinger’s address at Chatham House, London, “Supporting Justice and Accountability in Iraq” (February 9, 2006). See Doc. 30.
  4. U.S. amicus brief in Sarei v Rio Tinto (9th Cir., September 28, 2006)
  5. U.S. amicus brief in Corrie v Catepillar, Inc (9th Cir.)
  6. U.S. amicus brief in Mujica v Occidental Petroleum Corp. (9th Cir.)
  7. U.S. statement of interest in Romero v. Drummond (N.D. Al.)
  8. Letter from Legal Adviser Bellinger in Romero v. Drummond
  9. U.S. amicus brief in Khulamani v Barclay National Bank LTD (2nd Cir)
  10. U.S. statement of interest in Doe v Constant (S.D.N.Y.)
  11. Letter from Legal Adviser Bellinger in Doe v. Constant

Chapter 7: International Organizations


  1. Department of State statement at UN 6th Committee (ILC report) re responsibility of international organizations (October 30, 2006)
  2. U.S. statement on amendment to IMSO Convention re procedure (September 2006)
  3. U.S. joint statement with Canada, Colombia and Russia on amendment to IMSO Convention re procedure (September 2006)

Chapter 8: International Claims and State Responsibility

  1. Legal Adviser Bellinger’s statement before UN 6th Committee (ILC report) re “Diplomatic Protection” (October 25, 2006)
  2. U.S. statement of interest in Freund v France (S.D.N.Y., June 29, 2006)
  3. U.S. amicus curiae brief in Mandowsky v Dresdner Bank, AG (December 28, 2006)
  4. U.S. amicus brief in In re “Agent Orange” Product Liability Litigation (February 15, 2006)

Chapter 9: Diplomatic Relations, Succession, and Continuity of States


  1. Letter from President Bush to President Vujanovic re establishing diplomatic relations with the Republic of Montenegro (August 15, 2006)
  2. U.S. responses to interrogatories in Zivotofsky v. Sec. of State (D.C. Cir., 2006)
  3. U.S. motion to dismiss in Zivotofsky with supporting memorandum of law
  4. U.S. reply in support of motion to dismiss in Zivotofsky

Chapter 10: Immunities and Related Issues


  1. U.S. statement of interest in Rubin v Iran (N.D. Ill., 2006)
  2. U.S. amicus brief in Af-Cap v Congo (5th Cir., 2006)
  3. U.S. amicus brief in Ministry of Defense v Elahi (S. Ct. 2006)
  4. U.S. amicus brief in FG Hemisphere Associates, LLC v Democratic Republic of Congo (D.C. Cir., December 5, 2005)
  5. U.S. statement of interest in Matar v Dichter (S.D.N.Y., November 17, 2006)
  6. Letter from Legal Adviser Bellinger letter concerning immunity of Minister Bo Xilai (July 24, 2006)
  7. U.S. statement of interest in Li Weixum v Bo Xilai (D.D.C., July 24, 2006)
  8. U.S. further statement of interest in Li Weixum v Bo Xilai (D.D.C.., December 6, 2006)

Chapter 11: Trade, Commercial Relations, Investment and Transportation


  1. U.S. brief in Coalition for Fair Lumber Imports v United States (D.D.C., September 25, 2006)

Chapter 12: Territorial Regimes and Related Issues


  1. U.S. statements on Malacca and Singapore (September 2006)
  2. U.S. letter re transit of icebreakers through the Northwest Passage (October 27, 2006)
  3. Text of draft convention on Wreck Removal, IMO Doc. 92/4/4
  4. U.S. comments on draft convention on Wreck Removal, IMO Doc. 92/4/8.
  5. Report of the IMO Legal Committee, IMO Doc. 92/13. See Doc. 35 supra.
  6. IMO Circular Letter No. 2711, with Resolution LEG.3(91), re Guidelines for Fair Treatment of Seafarers (Apr. 27, 2006)
  7. Joint comments on Guidelines, IMO Doc. LEG 92/6/2, (August 11, 2006)
  8. Report of the Legal Committee, IMO Doc. LEG 92/13. See Doc. 35 supra.
  9. U.S. intervention on Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (May 2006), MSC81/25/Add.2 Annex 42
  10. U.S.-Ecuador agreement on operational procedures for boarding and inspecting vessels (August 30, 2006)
  11. U.S. views re space program at COPUOS meeting in Vienna (April 2006)

Chapter 13: Environment and Other Transnational Scientific Issues


  1. U.S.-Canada letters re Teck-Cominco - EPA agreement (July 2006)
  2. Legal Adviser Bellinger’s statement before the UN 6th Committee (ILC report) re transboundary harm (October 25, 2006). See Doc. 55 supra.
  3. U.S. statement before the UN 6th Committee (ILC report) re shared natural resources (October 30, 2006). See Doc. 52 supra.
  4. U.S. reply brief in Earth Island Institute v Gutierrez (9th Cir., 2006)

Chapter 14: Education and Cultural Issues


No documents

Chapter 15: Private International Law


  1. Speech re negotiations on carriage of goods by sea convention (March 22, 2006)
  2. Memorandum to USAID re commercial law initiatives and development policies (December 1, 2006)
  3. Memorandum re U.S. views on draft space assets protocol to the Cape Town Convention (October 29, 2006)
  4. U.S. explanation of joint signing, convention on securities held through intermediaries (September 15, 2006)
  5. U.S. remarks on child support convention at joint conference of European Commission and Hague Conference on Private Int’l Law in Brussels (January 14, 2006)
  6. U.S.-Finland agreement, Enforcement of Maintenance (Support) Obligations (April 3, 2006)
  7. U.S.-El Salvador agreement, Enforcement of Maintenance (Support) Obligations (May 30, 2006)
  8. U.S. reply note on South African child support initiative (December 11, 2006)

Chapter 16: Sanctions

  1.  Ambassador Bolton letter responding to “The Black Hole of the U.N. Blacklist” (October 6, 2006)
  2. U.S. motion to dismiss Cubaexport v U.S. Department of Treasury (December 21, 2006), Statement of Undisputed Facts, and Memorandum in Support
  3. Cubaexport, declaration of OFAC Director Adam Szubin
  4. OFAC letters re Cubaexport (April 6, 2006 and July 28, 2006)
  5. Memorandum from the Department of State to OFAC re Cubaexport (July 28, 2006)

Chapter 17: International Conflict Resolution and Avoidance

  1. Legal Adviser Bellinger’s remarks re U.S. views on the role of the International Court of Justice (May 11, 2006). See Doc. 27 supra.
  2. Ethiopia-Eritrea Boundary Commission statement (Nov. 27, 2006)
  3. Annex to Ethiopia-Eritrea statement

Chapter 18: Use of Force, Arms Control and Disarmament, and Nonproliferation


  1. Initial response of U.S. to ICRC study on Customary International Humanitarian Law with Illustrative Comments (November 3, 2006)
  2. Legal Adviser Bellinger speech, “Legal Issues in the War on Terrorism” (Oct. 31, 2006)
  3. Legal Adviser Bellinger’s speech in Rome on the 5th Anniversary of September 11th (Sept.11, 2006). See Doc. 22 supra.
  4. U.S. reply to UNCHR Special Rapporteurs’ Report on detainees (March 10, 2006)
  5. Memorandum by Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon, compliance with Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions (July 7, 2006)
  6. Press briefing on detainee issues and military commission legislation (Sept. 7, 2006)
  7. Department of State fact sheet on Military Commissions Act (“MCA”)
  8. Legal Adviser Bellinger’s remarks at Harvard Law School re MCA (Nov. 3, 2006)
  9. U.S. Supplemental Reply Brief in Boumediene v. Bush addressing the MCA (Nov. 13, 2006)
  10. Brief for appellees in Qassim v Bush (D.D.C., 2005)
  11. U.S. brief for appellants in Omar v Harvey (D.D.C., April 14, 2006)
  12. U.S. brief in American Civil Liberties Union v Department of Defense (2006)
  13. Lebanon Core Group joint statement re situation in Lebanon (July 26, 2006)
  14. JCIC S-Series Joint Statements 22, 23, 24, 26
  15. JCIC policy statement re closed containers (Oct. 26, 2006)
  16. JCIC policy statement re Trident SLBMs (June 1, 2006)
  17. Deputy Legal Adviser Bettauer’s address before Lawyer’s Committee on Nuclear Policy re U.S. compliance with nuclear policy (October 10, 2006)
  18. U.S. draft of fissile material cut-off treaty (May 18, 2006)
  19. Concept for a Multilateral Mechanism for Reliable Access to Nuclear Fuel (May 31, 2006)


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