Digest of United States Practice in International Law 1991-1999

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In order to assist readers in locating the full text of documents which are excerpted in the 1991-1999 Digest but readily accessible elsewhere, the volume includes citations to Internet or other public sources. This listing has been created for documents that are not readily available.

List of Documents

Chapter 1: Nationality, Citizenship and Immigration

  1. Letter, Edward Betancourt, Chief, East Asian and Pacific Division, Office of Citizens Consular Services, regarding expatriating acts (July 1, 1993)
  2. Telegram, Department of State, to U.S. Consulate in Fukuoka, Japan, regarding awareness of citizenship of Japanese-American (July 3, 1991)
  3. Memorandum, Department of State, requesting opinion from Office of Legal Counsel regarding constitutionality of act barring issuing of more than one passport to officials (January 3, 1992)
  4. Memorandum, President George H.W. Bush, regarding act barring issuance of multiple passports in response to Arab League policy (January 23, 1992)
  5. Letter, Secretary of State Warren Christopher, requesting that Attorney General take steps to deport Haitian paramilitary leader (March 29, 1995)
  6. Letter, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, requesting that Attorney General take steps to deport Hamas official (April 4, 1997)
  7. Telegram to all diplomatic and consular posts, Department of State, providing information on genetic testing for visa applications based on family (March 12, 1999)
  8. Letter, Legal Adviser of the Department of State, regarding obligations under the UN Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees (December 11, 1991)
  9. Guidelines, Office of International Affairs, Immigration and Naturalization Service, regarding adjudicating asylum cases on the basis of gender (May 26, 1996)

    Chapter 2: Consular and Judicial Assistance and Related Issues

  10. Memorandum of Understanding on Consular Protection of United States and Mexican Nationals (May 7, 1996)
  11. Letter, James H Thessin, Acting Legal Adviser of the Department of State, regarding consular notification (May 10, 1993)
  12. Note, U.S. Department of State to Mexico regarding consular notification relating to execution of Mexican National (July 9, 1997)
  13. Press Release, George Allen, Governor of Virginia, regarding execution of Mexican National (September 17, 1997)
  14. Note, U.S. Department of State to Mexico regarding consular notification (September 23, 1997)
  15. U.S. response to filed in IACXHR, Case No. 11.753 (Ramon Martinez Villareal) (December 18, 1997)
  16. Letter, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, to Governor of Virginia requesting a stay of execution for Angel Francisco Breard (April 13, 1998)
  17. Press Release, Governor Gilmore of Virginia, regarding execution of Beard (April 14, 1998)
  18. Press Statement, U.S. Embassy in Asuncion, Paraguay, regarding Breard execution and consular notification (November 3, 1998)
  19. Submission, United States, to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights regarding Mexico/VCCR advisory opinion request (June 1, 1998)
  20. Telegram, State Department, to all diplomatic and consular posts announcing new travel advisory system (July 22, 1992)
  21. Telegram, State Department, to all diplomatic and consular posts announcing new 3rd category in travel advisory system (May 29, 1998)
  22. Statement of Interest, United States, regarding parental abduction case involving U.S. diplomat (November 13, 1997)

    Chapter 3: International Criminal Law

  23. Submission, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, to UN Secretary General regarding international terrorism (April 15, 1991)
  24. Testimony, Michael J. Matheson, Principal Deputy Legal Adviser, before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims, Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, regarding war crimes (June 12, 1996)
  25. Statement, John Crook, Office of United Nations Affairs, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State, on the Code of Crimes Against the Peace and Security of Mankind (November 5, 1996)
  26. Submission of the Government of the United States of America Concerning Certain Arguments Made by Counsel for the Accused in the case of The Prosecutor of the Tribunal v. Dusan Tadic, United States, regarding the validity of the ICTY (July 17, 1995)
  27. Declaration, Michael Matheson, Acting Legal Adviser Department of State, concerning extradition to the ICTR in Ntakirutimana case (April 4, 1997)
  28. Statement to Sixth Committee, Jamison Borek, Deputy Legal Adviser, Department of State, on the creation of an international criminal court (November 1, 1995) and statement by U.S. delegation to the ICC Preparatory Committee (March 23, 1998)
  29. Statement, Ambassador Bill Richardson, U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN, regarding the establishment of the international criminal court (October 23, 1997)

    CHAPTER 4: Treaty Affairs

  30. Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction, United States, in the case of Defense Procurement Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States v. United States, No. 97-292C (Ct. Claims 1998)
  31. Memorandum, Robert Dalton, Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, "International Documents of a Non-Legally Binding Nature" (March 18, 1994)
  32. Testimony, Joanna Shelton, Assistant Secretary of State for Trade Policy and Programs, before House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration, on the Madrid Protocol (July 19, 1996)
  33. Amicus brief, United States, filed Oct. 18, 1991, in New York Chinese TV Programs, Inc. v. U.E. Enters., Inc., 954 F.2d 847 (2d Cir. 1992)
  34. Amicus brief, United States, filed August 1998 in appeal from Mingtai Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. UPS, 1997 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 23535 (N.D. Cal. Dec. 10, 1997)
  35. Memorandum, David Small, Assistant Legal Adviser for Oceans, International Environmental and Scientific Issues, regarding territorial sea convention (April 5, 1989) and response of John McGinnis, Office of Legal Counsel (July 1, 1991).
  36. Statement, John Crook, Assistant Legal Adviser for United Nations Affairs, regarding the report of the 51st session of the ILC (November 3, 1999)
  37. List of treaties for which the U.S. is the designated depository, as of 1999
  38. Speech, Edwin Williamson, Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State, to ASIL, on the issue of state succession in the Soviet Union (April 1, 1992)
  39. Telegram, American Embassy in Moscow, to the State Department, regarding continuation of previous treaty responsibilities by Russian Federation, No. 01654 (January 17, 1992)
  40. Telegram, American Embassy in Kiev, to State Department, regarding succession to bilateral treaties with USSR, No. 5960 (May 19, 1995)
  41. Memorandum of Understanding on Succession, between United States, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, relating to ballistic missile systems (September 26, 1997)

    CHAPTER 5: Federal Foreign Affairs Authority

  42. Letter, James G. Hergen, Assistant Legal Adviser for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State, regarding status of Hong Kong (June 21, 1996)
  43. Amicus brief, United States, for Matimak Trading Co. Ltd. V. Khalily, 118 F.3d 76 (2nd Cir. 1997)
  44. Motion to Vacate Court of Appeals Decision, United States, in United States v. Weatherhead, 528 U.S. 1042 (1999)
  45. Letter, President Clinton, to Congress regarding delay of entry into force of the Compact of Free Association with Palau (July 26, 1994)
  46. Agreement Regarding the Entry Into Force of the Compact of Free Association, United State and Palau (July 15, 1994)
  47. Declaration, Government of Palau, to the UN Secretary-General, regarding prior international agreements (November 10, 1994)
  48. Testimony, Dick Thornburgh, Attorney general, before Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (February 7, 1991)
  49. Review, State Department Office of the Legal Adviser, regarding submerged lands and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (September 3, 1992)

    CHAPTER 6: Human Rights

  50. Statement, Conrad K. Harper, Legal Adviser of the Department of State, before UNHRC, regarding conditions on ratification of ICCPR (March 29, 1995)
  51. Letter brief, United States, regarding applicability of the torture convention, in In The Matter of the Extradition of Chee Fan Chen, No. 97-15609, 1998 U.S. App. LEXIS 22125 (9th Cir. September 4, 1998)
  52. Letter, David R. Andrews, Legal Adviser of the Department of State, regarding procedures for review of torture claims (April 28, 1999)
  53. Comments, United States, on the Draft Inter-American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (December 19, 1996)
  54. General Comment and Statement on Standard of Review, Michael J. Dennis, U.S. Alternate Head of Delegation to the Working Group on the Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (November 1995)
  55. Statement, Robert A. Seiple, Ambassador-at-Large for International Freedom, to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, regarding religious freedom (October 6, 1999)
  56. Remarks, First Lady Hillary Clinton, to the UN 4th World Conference on Women, regarding women?s rights and gender equality (September 5, 1995)

    CHAPTER 7: International Organizations

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    CHAPTER 8: International Claims and State Responsibility

  57. Final Report, Tripartite Commission for the Restitution of Monetary Gold, Brussels (September 13, 1998)
  58. Letter, Ronald Battauer, Assistant Legal Adviser for International Claims and Investment Disputes, Department of State, regarding claims against US relating to 1941 Convention between US and Mexico
  59. Statement of Defense, United States, regarding Statement of Claim No. A/30 by Iran, (August 8, 1997)
  60. Comments, United States, regarding draft articles on state responsibility by ILC (December 30, 1997)
  61. Letter, Janet Mullins, Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs, responding to inquiry from Senator Levin regarding USSR debt repayment (1993)
  62. Letter, Barbara Larkin, Assistant secretary of Legislative Affairs, responding to Senators Mack and Graham concerning Belarus balloon issue (June 1999)
  63. Letter, Barbara Larkin, Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs, to Senator Graham, regarding U.S. position in Revpower case (January 1998)

    CHAPTER 9. Diplomatic Relations, Continuity and Succession of States

  64. Statement of Interest, United States, in Meridien International Bank Ltd. V. Government of the Republic of Liberia, 1996 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 499 (S.D.N.Y. January 19, 1996), regarding recognition of Government of Liberia
  65. Letter, Permanent Mission of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, to Director-General of the ILO, regarding creation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (April 28, 1992)
  66. Agreement Regarding the Maintenance of the United States Consulate General in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, United States and People?s Republic of China (March 25, 1997)
  67. Memorandum, State Department, regarding application of U.S. regulations and laws to Hong Kong (June 1997)
  68. Diplomatic note, U.S. Embassy in Beijing, to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC, regarding Hong Kong consulate and Macau (September 27, 1999)
  69. Note, PRC Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs, regarding Hong Kong consulate and Macau (October 1999)

    CHAPTER 10. Immunities and Related Issues

  70. Amicus brief, United States, for Transaero, Inc. v. Law Fuerza Aerea Boliviana, 30 F.3d 148 (D.C. Cir. 1994), regarding FSIA
  71. Suggestion of Immunity, United States, on behalf of President Aristide of Haiti, in Lafontant v. Aristide, 844 F. Supp. 128 (E.D.N.Y. 1994)
  72. Suggestion of Immunity, United States, on behalf of Sheikh Zayed, President of the United Arab Emirates, in Hartmann v. Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nayhan, 94 Civ. 5547 (S.D.N.Y.)
  73. Suggestion of Immunity, United States, on behalf of Sheikh Zayed, President of the United Arab Emirates, in First American Corp v. Al-Nahyan, 948 F. Supp 1107 (D.D.C. 1996)
  74. Suggestion of Immunity, United States, on behalf of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, in Alicog v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 860 F. Supp. 379 (S.D. Tex. 1994)
  75. Suggestion of Immunity, United States, on behalf of Pope John Paul II, in Guardian F. v. Archdiocese of San Antonio, No. 93-Cl-11345 (D. Tex. Mar. 15, 1994)
  76. Order Dismissing Claim, Guardian F. v. Archdiocese of San Antonio, No. 93-Cl-11345 (D. Tex. Mar. 15, 1994)
  77. Suggestion of Immunity, United States, on behalf of the Counselor of the Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and his wife, in Tabion v. Mufti, 73 F.3d 535 (4th Cir. 1996)
  78. Diplomatic note, Secretary of State Albright, to chiefs of all international organizations designated under IOIA, concerning court-ordered child and spouse support payments (July 1998)

    CHAPTER 11. Trade, Commercial Relations, Investment and Transportation

  79. Testimony, US Trade Representative Barshevsky, before the House Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade & Consumer Protection, regarding basic Telecom Agreement (March 19, 1997)
  80. 2000 Trade Policy Agenda and 1999 Annual Report to Congress, United States Trade Representative (March 2000)
  81. Preliminary Outline of Issues for Consideration by the Committee as Part of the Triennial Review of the SPS Agreement, United States (March 1998)
  82. Remarks, Ambassador Susan Esserman, Deputy US Trade Representative, to WTO General Council Session, (July 29, 1999)
  83. Statement, US Trade Representative Barshefsky, closing plenary session of the Seattle Ministerial (December 3, 1999)
  84. Testimony, US Trade Representative Barshefsky, before the Trade Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Finance, regarding WTO dispute resolution system (June 20, 2000)
  85. Announcement, USTR Mickey Kantor, regarding agreement on steel sheet and pipe products (July 14, 1995)
  86. Announcement, Ambassador Kantor, regarding agreement on barriers to US food exports with South Korea (July 20, 1995)
  87. Announcement, Ambassador Kantor, regarding agreement to increase market access for passenger vehicles into South Korea (September 28, 1995)
  88. 1998 Trade Policy Agenda and 1997 Annual Report, United States Trade Representative (1998)
  89. Statement, Under Secretary of Commerce Eizenstat, regarding U.S.-EC understanding (April 11, 1997)
  90. Note, United States, regarding amendment of OPIC agreement with German Democratic Republic after reunification
  91. Joint Press Release, U.S. Trade Representative ("USTR") Charlene Barshefsky and Secretary of Health and Human Services ("HHS") Donna E. Shalala, regarding health-related TRIPS concerns (December 1, 1999)
  92. Testimony, US Trade Representative Barshefsky, before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs, regarding 1995 IPR Enforcement Agreement (November 29, 1995)

    CHAPTER 12. Territorial Regimes and Related Issues

  93. Remarks, Read Admiral William L. Schachte Jr., JAG Corps, U.S. Navy, Law of the Sea ? 1990s and Beyond (April 22, 1992)
  94. Remarks, Rear Admiral William L. Schachte Jr., JAG Corps, U.S. Navy, International Straits and Navigational Freedom (June 1992)
  95. Diplomatic note, Department of State to Canada, concerning transit to and from Behm Canal (December 24, 1991)
  96. Letter, Deputy Legal Adviser Alan J. Kreczko, State Department, regarding treaty on notification of nuclear accidents (August 30, 1991)
  97. Diplomatic note, State Department, to the Embassy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, regarding authorization to board the Lucky Star (July 11, 1991)
  98. Letter, J. Ashley Roach, Office of Oceans Environment and Science, State Department Office of the Legal Adviser, to the British Embassy, regarding salvaging of WWII German submarines (April 13, 1994)
  99. Comments, Kenneth Hodgkins, U.S. Adviser to the 47th Session of the UN General Assembly, regarding peaceful uses of outer space (October 28, 1992)
  100. Comments, Kenneth Hodgkins, regarding developments in outer space and international cooperation (November 12, 1996)

    CHAPTER 13. Environmental and Other Transnational Scientific Issues

  101. Draft submission, United States, of a protocol text for reducing greenhouse emissions at the COP to the Framework on Climate Change (June 1997)
  102. Telegram, Secretary of State, to U.S. embassies throughout the wider Caribbean, regarding protection of sea turtles (May 3, 1991)
  103. Report of the Secretary of Commerce to the Congress of the united States Concerning US Actions Taken on Foreign Large-Scale High Seas Driftnet Fishing, regarding Court of International Trade case (1999)
  104. Press release, State Department, regarding enforcement of driftnet fishing moratorium (March 8, 1993)
  105. Submission, United States, to the UN Secretary General, regarding implementation of Resolution 46/215 (driftnet fishing) (June 1995)
  106. Report to Congress, regarding issue of dolphin conservation and international efforts (2003)

    CHAPTER 14. Cultural and Educational Issues

  107. News release, regarding agreement establishing the binational J. William Fulbright Commission for Education Exchange between South Africa and United States (February 18, 1997)

    CHAPTER 15. Private International Law

  108. Report on Private International Law Activities, Harold S. Burman & Peter H. Pfund, for the 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (April 2, 1998)
  109. Memorandum, Harold S. Burman, commenting on legal developments in electronic commerce (April 30, 1999)
  110. Testimony, Harold S. Burman, before the Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, regarding model law on cross-border insolvency (December 4, 1997)
  111. Testimony, Harold S. Burman, before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, regarding international sale of goods convention (October 26, 1993)
  112. Letter, National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, to the State Department, regarding UNCITRAL project on receivables financing (March 3, 1995)
  113. Letter, Edwin Williamson, Legal Adviser of the State Department, to Georges Droz, Secretary General of The Hague Conference on International Law, regarding convention on judgments (May 5, 1992)
  114. Memorandum, Harold S. Burman & Peter H. Pfund, for the 46th meeting of the Secretary of State?s Advisory Committee on Private International Law, regarding 5th OAS Conference on Private International Law (May 16, 1994)
  115. Memorandum, Harold S. Burman, regarding U.S. decision not to support private international law projects (April 1999)
  116. Submission, United States, to the Hague Conference on PIL?s Special Commission on Maintenance Obligations, a review of U.S. efforts in international child support enforcement (1995)
  117. Comments, Professor Robert G. Spector for U.S. delegation, to the Hague Conference on PIL?s Special Commission on Maintenance Obligations, "Toward an Accommodation of Divergent Jurisdictional Standards for the Determination of Maintenance Obligations in Private International Law," (April 13, 1999)

    CHAPTER 16. Sanctions

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    CHAPTER 17. International Conflict Resolution and Avoidance

  118. Letter, Guarantors of the Rio Protocol (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, United States), regarding Ecuador-Peru border dispute (October 23, 1998)
  119. Presidential Act of Brasilia concerning Ecuador & Peru (October 26, 1998)

    CHAPTER 18. Use of Force and Arms Control

  120. Press Conference, UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, (January 13, 1993)
  121. Hearings on War Powers Act, House International Relations Committee (April 22, 1999)
  122. Submission, United States, to the ICJ regarding the threat or use of nuclear weapons under international law (June 20, 1995)
  123. Final Act, Helsinki Summit Conference (July 1992)
  124. Joint Statement, United States and Azerbaijan, regarding the Flank Document (May 21, 1996)
  125. Statement, Ambassador Greg Govan, regarding issue of state consent with respect to CFE Treaty (March 9, 1999)
  126. Statement, White House Office of the Vice President, concerning signing of the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation Concerning Cooperation Regarding Plutonium Production Reactors (September 23, 1997)
  127. Testimony, Robert J. Einhorn, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Nonproliferation, before the House Committee on International Relations, regarding U.S. nuclear policy toward China (February 4, 1998)

-Digest of the United States Practice in International Law 1990-1999  [8952 Kb]


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