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NHLBI Educational Materials Catalog: From Heart to Heart: A Bilingual Group Discussion Guide/Del corazón al corazón: una guía bilingüe de discusión en grupo (bilingual English, Spanish)

From Heart to Heart: A Bilingual Group Discussion Guide/Del corazón al corazón: una guía bilingüe de discusión en grupo (bilingual English, Spanish)

Written in English and Spanish, this guide explains how to organize and conduct two 1-hour educational sessions (Charlas) on heart health targeting the Latino community. The guide contains ideas for choosing a facilitator and advertising the charla; a list of materials needed for the sessions; background information for the facilitator; a master copy of handouts to reproduce before the sessions; and ideas for optional activities such as blood cholesterol and blood pressure screenings, nutrition counseling, and heart-healthy food demonstrations. Can be used for small or large groups.

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Item No.: 97-4050
Format: NHLBI produced publications : Color
Page Count: 88 pages
Subject: Salud Para Su Corazon Cluster
Audience: Health Professionals
Language: Spanish, English
Size: 8.5 in. X 11 in.
Date of Publication: 1997

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