Statistics for change in popularity from 2010 to 2011

The table below summarizes data from our page showing the change in popularity from 2010 to 2011. As we noted previously, the more popular a name, the smaller the change in popularity. And we see that in the table below, where the smallest change in rank (0 to 4) has the lowest average rank in 2011.

Number of names and average rank, by change in rank and by sex
Change (+ or -)
in rank
Number of names Average rank in 2011
Male Female Male Female
0 - 4 12883 163.6137.9
5 - 9 7978 222.6221.8
10 - 14 6663 253.7197.3
15 - 19 5643 268.3224.3
20 - 24 4236 306.5292.4
25 - 29 4032 305.1317.9
30 - 34 1332 290.8284.4
35 - 39 1625 333.9326.4
40 - 44 1720 345.9378.1
45 - 49 1218 388.8346.6
50 - 59 2023 370.4357.1
60 - 69 1018 427.8360.5
70 - 79 59 446.6399.3
80 - 89 512 461.8361.0
90 - 99 310 378.3344.8
100 or more 1123 462.0446.5
Total 523525 262.9264.6
For each year, rank 1 indicates the most popular name, rank 2 the next most popular, and so forth. We compared ranks for both years only if a name was in the top 500 in at least one of the 2 years.