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HUD   >   State Information   >   District of Columbia   >   Stories   >   2011-04-08
HUD Supports Maryland's Efforts to Further Smarter, More Sustainable Growth Across the State

Governor Martin O'Malley addresses the audience at the Smart Growth Conference

At the State's request, District of Columbia Field Office Director Marvin W. Turner joined Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, Prince George's County Executive Rushern Baker and Maryland Secretary of Housing Raymond Skinner on April 8, 2011 at the "Maryland Forward" Policy Forum on Smart Growth. The forum served to solicit input from local residents, developers, advocates, and community officials on how best to further smarter, more sustainable growth in Maryland.

The HUD Strategic Plan calls for the Department to participate in those discussions that help the Nation to "build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination." While not a panelist, the Department's local leader was recognized by the panel. Prior to the Governor's presentation, Turner took the time to network with local vanguards, including the Lieutenant Governor, the County Executive, the Secretary of Housing and a board member from the Washington Suburban Transit Commission, to develop and continue relationships to improve the sustainability of neighborhoods and communities and build the framework for a better National Capitol Area.

"Having communities that are sustainable are directly in line with the President's vision of neighborhood revitalization, bringing together schools, transportation, housing and jobs," Turner said. "It is not only smart, but it reduces America's dependence on foreign oil and provides a blueprint for rebuilding the economy, one neighborhood at a time."

Field Office Director Marvin Turner discusses HUD's role in building sustainable housing and communities with Maryland Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown


Field Office Director Marvin Turner discusses transit oriented development with new Washington Suburban Transit Commission (also known as Metro Transit) board member Alvin J. Nichols as Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Secretary Raymond Skinner looks on.
Photo by Jay Baker