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Bureau of Reclamation Emergency Management

Reclamation's emergency management activities help to guide Reclamations response to incidents of national significance.

Reclamation is responsible for major water projects in all of the 17 contiguous western states, including more than 500 dams, 348 reservoirs, and 58 hydroelectric powerplants.  Because of Reclamation’s vital role in providing water, power, agricultural products, and recreational opportunities to the entire nation, the safety and security of Reclamation facilities and the people visiting them is of critical importance.

Emergency Action Plans: Reclamation has Emergency Action Plans (EAP) for all high- and significant-hazard dams. These plans are updated annually and exercised every three years with a table top exercise and functional exercise utilized on an alternating schedule.

The exercises may involve Reclamation employees, other local, state, and Federal agencies, and downstream first responders who have responsibility for protecting the downstream public. Exercises are conducted with a variety of initiating scenarios including numerous natural, environmental, security, or terrorism-related scenarios.

Reclamation Emergency Operations Center (EOC):This center, located in Denver, provides a central coordination of Reclamation operations and communications with Regions, Washington Office leadership,the Department of the Interior and other Federal agencies.

All Reclamation offices are operating on a normal work schedule.

Useful Links

DOI Emergency Management Web Site


FEMA Homepage


Hurricane Response and Recovery (FEMA)

Department of Homeland Security

National Weather Service

DOI Information on Avian Flu and Pandemic  Influenza Preparedness

FEMA has launched a pilot implementation of an E-mail Subscription Management system, GovDelivery, which operates in conjunction with FEMA’s Internet website.  The service transmits e-mail alerts when new and important information is posted on FEMA.gov. 

Through these alerts, FEMA’s news updates and information is delivered directly to our users – to their PC, laptop or wireless device. It’s a fast, effective way of keeping FEMA partners and the public informed about updates on FEMA's website in areas where they have the most interest.

Signing up is easy. Users can simply click on the envelope icons found throughout FEMA.gov. No personal information is required, just an e-mail address where the alerts will be sent and the user’s zip code and state. Subscribers select which topics that they want updates on, such as disaster and/or emergency declarations, and national and local press releases. The alerts are sent as soon as updates are posted on the FEMA website or in daily, weekly or monthly digests.

Because each subscriber will provide their zip code and state, FEMA will be able to send messages to all subscribers in a declared disaster area, giving them updates about aid and information about how to obtain assistance.  This will be a significant enhancement in improving communications with victims during a disaster.

FEMA employees are also encouraged to register for the service and receive updates on their program area or specialty.  Questions about GovDelivery can be directed to:

  •         Gene Luke (Mitigation Emergency Management Specialist) – Eugene.Luke@dhs.gov

Sign up via FEMA free e-mail subscription service

Important operational and employee information for those who may be in an emergency situation or disaster area will be placed on this site when such conditions exist.

Employees should inform their offices of their location and personal status if they are affected by an emergency or disaster, whether in their work or residential location, or a travel location (including both business or vacation travel). If you are unable to contact your local office, please call Reclamation's Emergency Location Reporting Phone Number at 1-800-684-2442.


Last updated: 1/23/12