Access to the CFN

User Registration

All researchers coming to the CFN to work at a facility will need an active appointment with Brookhaven National Laboratory. This requires online registration and approval. Early registration is strongly suggested as it can take up to 120 days to obtain approvals. More information is available at

Submit a General User Proposal

Facility time at the CFN is granted through a peer-reviewed proposal process. Users may apply for facility time by submitting a general user proposal. Prospective users are encouraged to contact the appropriate CFN facility leader early in the proposal development process for assistance in developing their proposal prior to submission. Proposals are reviewed and rated by an external Proposal Review Panel (PRP). General user proposals are submitted through a web-based proposal system at CFN Online Proposal System.


Safety is essential in all work done at the CFN, therefore, there are training requirements for all facilities and equipment. All researchers are required to complete and/or update their training prior to access to the CFN facilities. These training modules can be completed online. This is strongly recommended since it saves a considerable amount of time during the check-in at the Guest/User/Visitor (GUV) Center. More information is available at

Main Gate Notification

Main Gate Notification is optional but essential in avoiding delays at the front entrance to BNL. CFN users are encouraged to notify the Main Gate of their arrival by completing the Guest Check In/Out Form at prior to arrival.

Check-In at the Guest/User/Visitor (GUV) Center

Users complete their check-in process at the Guest/User/Visitor Center in Building 400. They will be asked to present proper identification and, for foreign nationals, all valid immigration documents (visas, I-94, etc.) Click here to find out about proper identification

Facility Training

Users complete the CFN Operations Safety Awareness (COSA) training after checking in with the GUV Center, and upon arrival at the CFN. This training is facility specific and will be executed by the Designated COSA Trainer at each Facility. Click here for information on how to complete COSA training.

Complete End of Run Survey

As part of the annual DOE report, the CFN will ask users to take part in a User Satisfaction survey to provide feedback to the Office of Basic Energy Science (BES) and to improve user services and the CFN facilities. Users will be asked to fill in this form at the completion of their experiment. Click here to complete the End of Experiment Survey.


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Last Modified: September 23, 2010
Please forward all questions about this site to: Pam Ciufo.