U.S. Department of Justice

Shopping Cart Your Shopping Cart

ID Title Cost* Remove
014596 Staff Victimization $0.00
014613 Gangs, Community and Corrections [Videoconference held June 10, 1998] $0.00
014806 Psychopaths: Their Nature and Impact on Corrections [Videoconference held August 5, 1998] $0.00
016070 Application and Use of Restraints in Custody: Reducing the Risk
  • [Videoconference Held April 19, 2000]
  • $0.00
    016233 Correctional Strategies in Gang Management [Videoconference Held July 19, 2000] $0.00
    016975 Alleviating Jail Crowding: A Systemic Approach
  • [Videoconference Held April 18, 2001]
  • $0.00
    016993 Options for Managing Difficult Inmates [Videoconference held on June 13, 2001] $0.00
    017072 Female Offenders in the Community [Videoconference Held July 18, 2001] $0.00
    017384 Critical Knowledge About 12-Step Programs for Criminal Justice Professionals
  • [Videoconference held August 29, 2001]
  • $0.00
    017503 Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders [Videoconference Held December 12, 2001] $0.00
    017901 Meeting the Challenge in Correctional Mental Health Care: The Prison Experience
  • [Videoconference Held June 19, 2002]
  • $0.00
    017907 Understanding Managed Behavioral Health Care in Community Corrections
  • [Videoconference Held July 17, 2002]
  • $0.00
    017908 Systemic Approaches to Emergency Preparedness Affecting Correctional Communities [Videoconference Held July 31, 2002] $0.00
    018310 Collaborative Approach to Staff Recruitment and Retention
  • [Videoconference Held August 28, 2002]
  • $0.00
    018642 Transition from Prison to the Community [Videoconference Held February 12, 2003] $0.00
    018696 Beyond the Myths: The Jail in Your Community $0.00
    018895 Children of Prisoners: Children of Promise
  • [Videoconference Held June 18, 2003]
  • $0.00
    019124 Building New Employee Success with an Effective Field Training Officer (FTO) Program [Videoconference Held August 20, 2003] $0.00
    019469 Implementing Effective Correctional Management of Offenders in the Community
  • [Videoconference Held February 25, 2004]
  • $0.00
    019541 Foundation Skills for Trainers: 32-Hour Training Program [Videoconference Held March 22-25, 2004] $0.00
    019659 Correctional Staff Wellness: Making Choices Toward a Higher Level of Total Health and Well Being
  • [Videoconference Held June 16, 2004]
  • $0.00
    019569 Classification of High-Risk Offenders
  • [Videoconference Held September 1, 2004]
  • $0.00
    020035 Interpersonal Communications in the Correctional Setting: IPC $0.00
    020157 A Town Hall Meeting - Addressing the Prison Rape Elimination Act [Satellite/Internet Broadcast] $0.00
    020210 Correctional Leadership Competencies for the 21st Century [Satellite/Internet Broadcast] $0.00
    016738 Sex Offender Treatment Skills for Corrections Professionals [Distance Learning Training Program: Videoconference Held March 12-15, 2001] $0.00
    020209 Community Supervision: Using a Strength-Based, Family-Focused Approach
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held March 16, 2005]
  • $0.00
    020490 Transition from Prison to Community: Making It Work $0.00
    020867 A Systemic Approach to the Americans with Disabilities Act in Corrections: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow [Satellite/Internet Broadcast on February 15, 2006] $0.00
    015017 Assessment of Sex Offenders for Sentencing, Supervision and Treatment [Videoconference held February 10, 1999] $0.00
    015235 Managing Conflict in the Workplace [Satellite/Internet Broadcast on April 7, 1999] $0.00
    015921 Effective Supervision of Adult Sex Offenders in the Community [Videoconference held February 9, 2000] $0.00
    020869 Making the Media Work for You in the 21st Century [Satellite/Internet Broadcast] $0.00
    021504 Preventing Sexual Abuse of Children and Youth in Custody [Satellite/Internet Broadcast] $0.00
    020299 Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders Curriculum: Instructor's Guide [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual] $0.00
    021698 OES: Building Bridges $0.00
    021925 Sheriff's Guide to Effective Jail Operations $0.00
    020603 Strategic Training Resources $0.00
    022390 Effective Training Design and Development [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held April 2007] $0.00
    021123 Keeping Our Kids Safe: The Prison Rape Elimination Act and Juvenile Justice: A Guide for Juvenile Justice Administrators $0.00
    018596 Building Futures: Offender Job Retention Distance Learning Training
  • [Videoconference Held October 7-11, 2002]
  • $0.00
    022461 A National Dialogue: Building Bridges to Safer Communities Through Offender Employment [Satellite/Internet Broadcast] $0.00
    022542 A Model for Social Justice: Collaboration Between Faith-Based and Community Organizations and Corrections [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held September 12, 2007] $0.00
    022489 Pretrial Justice: Principles and Practices $0.00
    022679 Training for Training Directors $0.00
    020741 Jails in America: A Report on Podular Direct Supervision, Version 3.0 $0.00
    022948 Public & Media Relations: Take Control of Your Message $0.00
    022996 Simulated Online/Kiosk Job Application $0.00
    023217 Sharing Gang Intelligence Bridging the Gap: Corrections - Police - Educators
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
  • $0.00
    021204 Executive Training for Newly Appointed Juvenile Facility Directors [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual] $0.00
    023425 No More “My Way or the Highway”: Embracing the 21st Century Workforce
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held November 19,2008]
  • $0.00
    023255 Building Tomorrow's Workforce: An Effective Reentry Strategy [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held August 2008] $0.00
    023548 Women and Work: Gender Responsivity and Workforce Development
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held September 24-25, 2008]
  • $0.00
    023699 From the Battlefront to the Homefront: Welcoming Employees Back to Work $0.00
    023851 The Mentally Ill in Jail: Whose Problem Is It Anyway? [Satellite/Internet Broadcast] $0.00
    023535 Implementing Motivational Interviewing in Correctional Settings: An Interview with Dr. William Miller $0.00
    024136 Using Labor Market Information to Promote Positive Employment Outcomes for Offenders $0.00
    024121 Locking Up H1N1 $0.00
    024311 Gender Responsive Classification Instruments for Women Offenders: What Do They Look Like and How Will They Improve Practice? [Lesson Plan] $0.00
    024363 Effectively Managing Aging and Geriatric Offenders
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held March 11, 2010]
  • $0.00
    023066 Career Resource Centers: An Emerging Strategy for Improving Offender Employment Outcomes $0.00
    023698 Corrections Budgets in Free Fall: Finding Opportunities in Turbulent Times [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held on April 15, 2009] $0.00
    024019 Innovative Reentry Strategies: The Emerging Role of Correctional Industries [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held October 7, 2009] $0.00
    024347 New Jail Planning: Getting It Right $0.00
    024517 Crisis Intervention Teams: An Effective Response to Mental Illness in Corrections $0.00
    024388 Greening Corrections: People, Programs, and Practices
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held July 14, 2010]
  • $0.00
    025057 Thinking for a Change: Integrated Cognitive Behavior Change Program $0.00
    024973 Reduce Costs, Lower Risks, Enhance Healthcare Services: The Promise of Effective Pharmaceutical Management [Satellite/Internet Broadcast] $0.00
    019212 Youthful Offenders in Adult Corrections: Effective Interventions
  • [Videoconference held September 15-19, 2003]
  • $0.00
    025292 Performance Based Measurement System:
  • What Really Counts in Corrections!
  • [Broadcast held September 14, 2011]
  • $0.00
    025293 Correctional Industries: A Working Solution [Satellite/Internet Broadcast] $0.00
    024978 Offender Employment Retention: Worth the Work [Satellite/Internet Broadcast] $0.00
    025151 Essential Skills for New Supervisors $0.00
    Total $0.00

    *NIC does not charge for the duplication or shipping of it's products. Some restrictions on quantity and eligibility may apply.

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    Introduction to the Cost Containment Framework

    The Corrections Cost Containment Project is a web-based resource hosted by the National Institute of Corrections. The purpose of the Project is to assist prison, jails, and community corrections agencies with identifying, prioritizing, and implementing cost management and reduction strategies in a way that minimizes agency disruptions. To aid this effort the Project contains a cost containment tool – or framework – along with supporting materials and resources.
    Using the Framework as a continuous process of informed decision-making and feedback can help agencies make the best use of their resources and weather financial storms without compromising their mission.

    A Continuous Step-by-Step Process

    The Framework presents a step-by-step process that will help users consider and make meaningful, yet manageable funding decisions. Some of these steps are basic. Agency executives and their financial managers may find they have several components and structures discussed in the various steps already in place, particularly those in the initial stages. Decision-makers may not find it necessary to work-through the entire process for every decision. Others who are new to the process of cost containment may find the full Framework helpful.

    Develop A Thoughtful Approach to Strategic Cost Management

    Under ideal conditions ongoing implementation of the principles and processes described in the Framework can help agencies develop a thoughtful approach to strategic cost management. However financial “emergencies” are commonplace in corrections. An offender may suffer an injury or develop a chronic condition that strains the medical budget, unanticipated staff issues may result in increased overtime and unplanned for hiring costs, or agency’s funding body requires an immediate 10% budget cut. Parts of the Framework might prove helpful in thinking through the agency response even when working against tight deadlines and mandates.

    Weigh Decisions Against Agency Mission

    Decisions about corrections policy, services, and programs must all be weighed against their contribution to achieving the agency’s mission and meeting its mandates. Cost management decisions are particularly important because they cross-cut, and provide life-blood to the entire operation. Hasty, poorly considered budget cuts often have unanticipated consequences which can offset or even negate any savings. More than a “sign-off” or quick approval is needed from agency leadership. Effective cost management requires an understanding of the agency’s overall operations and inter-connectedness offered by the chief executive and senior staff, plus the in-depth working knowledge of managers and multiple stakeholders to assess the possible result of budgetary decisions.

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