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Affirmative Civil Enforcement

Affirmative Civil Enforcement (“ACE”) refers civil lawsuits filed by or on behalf of the United States to recover government money lost to fraud or other misconduct, or to impose penalties for violations of Federal health, safety, civil rights or environmental laws. Many of these cases result from whistleblower lawsuits under the Federal False Claims Act, which affords the United States with a cause of action for false or fraudulent claims made against the government. The False Claims Act provides for recovery of up to triple the amount of damages incurred by the United States, plus a penalty for each violation. Whistleblowers, called relators under the False Claims Act, may be eligible to receive a percentage of the government’s recovery as a reward for reporting the fraud.

To report fraud and abuse against the Federal government, please contact us:
ACE Coordinator
U.S. Attorney’s Office
227 West Trade St.
Suite 1650
Charlotte, NC 28202


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