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Regional Information for Hawaii


Consisting of 8 main islands and 124 islets located 2,397 miles west of San Francisco, Hawaii has a total land area of 6,471 square miles. About 80% of the population resides on Oahu, with about 3/4 of these in the urban area of Honolulu. Honolulu is also the state capital, and the only legally incorporated town or city in the state. The total population is 1,211,537, almost 25% of whom are of native Hawaiian descent. There are also significant Japanese and Filipino communities, at around 15% of the population each. The official languages are English and Hawaiian, although English is the predominant language. Use of the Hawaiian language has increased since it once again became an official language in 1978, and began being used in education. The principal industry of the state is tourism. The high cost of living, particularly for housing, is a persistent problem.

Network members in Hawaii can be located through the NN/LM Members Directory.

Topics on this page:

Key Health Initiatives and Documents

Emergency Preparedness and Response Resources

Library Information

Statistical Information

  • Census 2000 Data for Hawaii is available.
  • Health Statistics, maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health, provides vital and health statistics for the state on a county and city level.
  •, is a project of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and is designed to provide free, up-to-date, and easy-to-use health data on all 50 states.
  • The Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism provides a broad variety of statistical information resources on the state including current and historical State of Hawaii Data Books.

Special Populations

Native Hawaiian

Full and part Hawaiians face very specific health risks, including the highest rates in the state of chronic obstructive lung disease, infant mortality, accidents, suicides, high blood pressure, new cases of HIV, and tendency toward obesity.


The current percentage of Filipinos in Hawaii is almost 15%, and the number is growing.


See the Pacific Basin web page for a description of other Pacific Islander population groups.

Rural Resources

  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Rural Assistance Center (RAC): Hawaii

Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUA/Ps)

MUA/Ps are areas or populations designated by the Shortage Designation Branch, part of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) as not having sufficient access to medical care. If an area is designated MUA, then the entire population is covered, if the designation is MUP, only a specific population is. Occasionally, regions receive a designation of GOV, which means that the state governor requested that the area be included due to local barriers and/or health conditions. The MUA/P designation is often important when obtaining grants or other funding.

The most accurate and up-to-date source of this information is the HRSA database. To find out if a particular area is designated, first look up the county. Each service area is given a descriptive name, and comprises either the whole county (WH), a partial county (PC), a multi-county area (MC), or a multi-state (MS) area. It may be necessary to look up specific areas by census tract. These numbers can be identified by entering a street address into American FactFinder. Tip: print out the Data Dictionary for MUA/P List prior to looking up information.

Additional Resources

Government Information Portals

  • FedStats provides access to statistics prepared by over 100 federal agencies. Statistics are available on a state and community level.
  • FirstGov provides a search engine and topical indexes for US state and federal information. To search for information on a particular state, use the form in the upper left corner.
  • State and Local Government on the Net provides links to government information on a state and local level for the fifty states, as well as selected US associated areas such as Guam.