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Regional Advisory Committee

The role of the Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) is:

  • To advise NN/LM PSR staff on implementing programs to improve health professionals' and consumers' access to biomedical information, within the framework of the NN/LM PSR contract with the National Library of Medicine;
  • To review and evaluate NN/LM PSR programs and services; and
  • To encourage health professionals, health science libraries, community organizations, and others to participate in regional and national programs affecting the delivery of health information.

Regional Advisory Committee members attend meetings held periodically at UCLA; receive progress reports and other NN/LM PSR publications; further two-way communications between NN/LM PSR and constituent groups; serve on subcommittees, e.g., on outreach proposal review; and participate in an electronic discussion list to raise issues and provide feedback to NN/LM PSR staff. The next RAC meeting is scheduled for March 27, 2013.

The RAC is made up of health professionals; health sciences librarians from hospital libraries and other large and small medical libraries within the region; representatives of state library agencies and public and school libraries; representatives of health information consumer groups, and representatives of partner organizations. The RAC membership includes several directors from regional Resource Libraries, and a representative from each of the region's Medical Library Association chapters.

Current RAC members

  • Raquel Abad *, University of California, Davis, CA
  • Danielle Carlock, Scottsdale Community College, Scottsdale, AZ
  • Alison Clement, Marshall Medical Center, Placerville, CA
  • Steve Dimoulas, Las Vegas-Clark County Library District, Las Vegas, NV
  • Elizabeth Dixon, RN, PhD, QueensCare Health and Faith Partnership, Los Angeles, CA
  • Yamila El-Khayat, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
  • Terry Henner *, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Las Vegas, NV
  • Stephen Kiyoi, San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, CA
  • Julie Kwan *, UCLA Biomedical Library and Science & Engineering Library, Los Angeles, CA
  • Angela Lee **, University of Hawaii at Manoa, HI
  • Irene Lovas **, Olive View/UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
  • Shar Murphy, Mineral County School District, Hawthorne, NV
  • Eileen Packer, Healthcare Assessment Resource Center, Palm Desert, CA
  • Darlene Parker-Kelly *, Charles Drew University, Los Angeles, CA
  • Pearl Quintana, RN, BSN, PHN, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
  • Peggy Tahir **, University of California, San Francisco, CA

* Resource Library Representative
** Medical Library Association Chapter Representative