Federal Aviation Administration

Acquiring Land for Airports and Relocation Assistance


Advisory Circulars (ACs)

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Related Information on Non-FAA Sites

  • ARC: Acquisition, Relocation, Certification
    An instructional application of real property acquisition and relocation assistance requirements for FAA-assisted airport projects
  • Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) - Planning, Environment, and Realty
    Lead Federal agency for the Uniform Act Regulations (49 CFR Part 24). The FHWA Office of Real Estate Services offers guidance materials, training opportunities, and assistance for the application of the Uniform Act on Federally assisted land acquisition programs.
  • International Right of Way Association (IRWA)
    The FAA Airports organization has an ongoing partnering agreement with IRWA to promote a learning environment for Airport land acquisition programs and staffs. The IRWA offers training courses and national conferences to provide state-of-the-art training and professional development opportunities to public real estate professionals.

Page Last Modified: 03/06/12 14:29 EST

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