CFN Training Requirements

All users are responsible for completing required training prior to beginning an experiment. Training modules, in most cases, can be taken online prior to arrival at BNL. Users must have assigned BNL Guest numbers to take courses. Taking courses prior to arrival at BNL will help reduce the time needed for the check-in process.

The training you are required to complete depends on the equipment you plan to use in your experiment. Please check the training requirements list below for each piece of equipment you will be using.

CFN users who have been to BNL previously in any capacity DO NOT need to re-qualify training that will not expire during your stay at BNL. You can check your "training history" at to determine valid training.

Occasionally, computer hardware and/or software set-up can interfere with users' ability to successfully complete the on-line training. There is some guidance available on the website. But in some cases it may be necessary to complete some training modules on site at BNL.

NOTE: Each member of the experimental team who will be coming to BNL to work on this equipment is required to take this training. If you are not coming to BNL, talk to your Principal Investigator. If you are the Principal Investigator, please provide these training requirements to the rest of your team.

Training Requirements listed by Equipment


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Last Modified: November 10, 2011
Please forward all questions about this site to: Pam Ciufo.