The Visually Impaired

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A Clear Fire Safety Message

Over 10 million Americans are visually impaired. During a fire emergency, the senses that visually impaired persons rely upon have a high probability of being overpowered.

The United States Fire Administration (USFA), a directorate of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), encourages the visually impaired population to practice the following precautionary steps to help protect themselves, their home and their surroundings from the danger of fire.

Install and Maintain Smoke Alarms

Don't Isolate Yourself

It is important that older adults speak up - 55% of the visually impaired population is over the age of 65.

Live Near an Exit and Plan Your Escape

You'll be safest on the ground floor if you live in an apartment building. If you live in a multi-story home, arrange to sleep on the first floor.

Be Fire-Safe Around the Home

Know Your Abilities

Remember, fire safety is your personal responsibility ...Fire Stops With You!

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