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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Message from the Assistant Secretary

The United States has made much progress in our ability to address large-scale incidents that threaten human health, thanks to the dedication of people throughout government and the nation who have met unforeseen challenges with resilience and commitment and have built robust systems for response and recovery. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response – ASPR – builds on this tradition in our charge to lead the nation in public health and medical emergency preparedness, response, and recovery.

With this strategic plan, we have made ASPR’s priorities clear. We will be innovative in responding to and recovering from incidents; we will foster new ways of thinking about how the parts of the health care system integrate with each other and how the entire health care system works in concert with the public health system and preparedness and response partners; and, we will make lasting systems improvements in the way we provide medical countermeasures for potential threats. We will lead nationally in promoting resilience, coordinating and developing health security policy, and taking holistic, integrated approaches to working with partners. And because we must be ready to meet unexpected threats, it’s critical that our approach focuses on strengthening core capabilities for preparedness and improving the day-to-day systems and relationships that allow us to surge and respond effectively when an emergency does occur. My mantra is “if you can’t do it every day, you can’t do it on game day,” as regular practice teaches lessons, allows continuous improvement, and builds the habits, experience, and networks that are critical during a response.

We will also improve the way ASPR does business internally, investing in our people and strategically managing the organization so that our systems and processes fully support our staff in meeting the mission. Clear priorities will drive resource planning and management. We will look toward sustainable strategies that maximize taxpayer dollars, can continue even in times of scarce resources, and as much as possible have a return on investment even if no disaster strikes. We will expect excellence and set an example in holding ourselves accountable as we encourage our partners across the nation to join us in continuously improving.

And in everything we do, from critical operations functions to health care system preparedness grants to policy coordination, ASPR will support transparency, decision making based on the best available evidence, and truly national approaches developed through broad engagement. Responsibility for preparedness must be shared across all levels of government and diverse communities, with members of the public as full and active participants in national health security. Similarly, we share a responsibility with our global partners to face those challenges that require international approaches to ensure a safer, healthier world. We affirm that the only way for our successes to gain traction and be sustained is for us to all work together in meaningful, inclusive, and equal partnership.

The ASPR mission is critical to the health and security of our nation. I’m honored and proud to serve with my ASPR colleagues, who every day find ways to innovate and to serve the public with excellence and integrity. Together and with our partners, we will chart a course to build empowered communities, prepared systems, and a resilient nation. 

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  • This page last reviewed: February 14, 2012