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Branch of earth science that deals with water as it occurs in the atmosphere, on the surface of the ground, and underground.
Hydrodynamics (3 items)

Hydrologic maps (27 items)
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Results 51 - 60 of 402 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
PDF Characterization of Fish Creek, Teton County, Wyoming, 2004-08 [More info]
Preliminary results of hydrologic and biological sampling confirm anecdotal reports that this stream shows unusually high algal growth due to elevated nutrients, probably from groundwater.
PDF Characterizing contaminant concentrations with depth by using the USGS well profiler in Oklahoma, 2003-9 [More info]
Use of specialized sampling equipment to study public water supply wells, with examples showing Arsenic in two aquifers.
PDF Chloride control and monitoring program in the Wichita River Basin, Texas, 1996-2009 [More info]
Chloride concentrations in this river have historically been high due to natural saltwater springs and seeps from geologic formations. We monitor the water to help assess the progress of human efforts designed to mitigate this problematic salinity.
Classification of natural ponds and lakes in the glaciated prairie region [More info]
Presents a wetland classification system that reflects seasonal, regional, and local variations in the environment.
Climate and droughts [More info]
Article from Water Supply Paper 2375 summarizing the correlation of precipitation, temperature, and atmospheric moisture with the frequency and intensity of a drought.
Columbia Environmental Research Center [More info]
Website for the Columbia Environmental Research Center with links to staff, publications, databases, field stations, and projects including those on the Rio Grande, burrowing owls, sea turtles, and geospatial technology.
PDF Condition of streams in Independence, Missouri: What is being done to protect stream health and how citizens can help [More info]
Stream water quality is affected by amount of impermeable surface in the basin; construction; reservoirs; sanitary sewer systems; land use and population density; road salt; animal waste; lawn and agricultural fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.
Connecticut water resources publications [More info]
Links to Connecticut water publications available as HTML and PDF formats.
Cooperative Water Program [More info]
Program that monitors, assesses, and communicates the results of the quantity and quality of water in rivers and aquifers.
Cooperative Water Program -- a partnership in the Nation's Water-Resources Program [More info]
Fact sheet (also available in PDF format) on the ongoing partnership in water resources between the USGS and non-Federal agencies primarily state, tribal, county and municipal agencies with water-resources responsibilities.
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