Dr. Judith Podskalny

NIDDK, National Institutes of Health
Building 2DEM, Room 667
6707 Democracy Blvd.
Bethesda, MD 20892-5450
Tel: 301-594-8876
Fax: 301-480-8300
Email: podskalnyj@mail.nih.gov

Current Position:

Director, Career Development, Research Fellowship, and Digestive Disease Centers Programs

Concurrent Positions:
Director, Trans-NIDDKShort-term Training for Medical Students (T35) and Medical Student Research Training (MSRT) Programs

Current Portfolio/Responsibilities:

Manages DDDN’s portfolio of individual fellowships (F32) and Career Development

Awards (K01, K08, K23, K24, K25, K18, K99) in all areas of research supported by the

Division. Serves as program director for the Division’s R03 for K-awardees portfolio

and for education grants (R25). Also manages the minority supplemental slot program

for training grants within the Division and the Digestive Disease Centers (P30 and R24)

program. Serves as trans-DK program director for short-term training of medical

students (T35 portfolio) and for the Medical Student Research Training (MSRT)

program. Organizes, in conjunction with DEM’s training program director (TPD), a

“New Investigators’ Workshop” every 18 months for funded NIDDK K awardees to

attend once during the period of their K-award. Provides outreach by accepting

invitations to serve as faculty/speaker for relevant career development or funding

opportunity workshops (AGA, NASPGHAN, AASLD, etc.). As NIDDK’s “senior”

TPD, is responsible for maintaining training and career development pages of the

NIDDK website and for updating NIDDK’s training brochure.

Previous Training and Experience:

Ph.D. Genetics. George Washington University (1981)

Research Technician, Pediatric Metabolism Branch, NIDDK (1972-1974)

Biologist, Diabetes Branch, NIDDK (1974 – 1986)

Scientific Review Administrator, NIDDK Review Branch (1986 – 1991)

Program Director, Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, NIDDK (1991–


Committees/ Working Groups:

NIH Training Advisory Committee (TAC) (NIDDK representative)

NIH K-award 424 Transition working group

NIDDK Network of Minority Research Investigators (NMRI) Executive Committee

(also Planning Committee and Oversight Committee for NMRI)

NIDDK Training Program Directors committee

NIDDK Evaluation Working Group (current Chair)

NIDDK Transition Process Committee

NIDDK Web Content sub-Committee

NIH Liaison to NASPGHAN Training Committee

Page last updated: April 19, 2010

General inquiries may be addressed to:
Office of Communications & Public Liaison
Bldg 31, Rm 9A06
31 Center Drive, MSC 2560
Bethesda, MD 20892-2560

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