Category: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

Datesort icon Type Title
04/01/2010 Blog 50th Anniversary of the Satellite that "Forever Changed Weather Forecasting"
03/19/2010 News Statement from Commerce Secretary Gary Locke on National Academy of Science's Review of California Bay Delta Water Issues
03/16/2010 Blog NOAA: Sixth-Warmest February in Combined Global Surface Temperature, Fifth-Warmest December-February
03/16/2010 Blog NOAA: Imminent Flood Threat in Midwest, South and East at Risk
03/15/2010 Blog FEMA and NOAA Renew Partnership to Encourage Flood Safety
03/10/2010 Page Media Contacts
03/10/2010 Blog NOAA: U.S. Winter and February Cooler Than Average
03/04/2010 Blog Newest NOAA Geostationary Satellite Reaches Orbit
02/22/2010 News Remarks at 24th Annual Reservation Economic Summit and American Indian Business, Las Vegas, Nevada
02/17/2010 Blog NOAA National Weather Service to Use New Hurricane Wind Scale
02/08/2010 Blog Commerce Department Proposes Establishment of NOAA Climate Service
02/08/2010 News Commerce Department Proposes Establishment of NOAA Climate Service
02/01/2010 News Obama Administration's Commerce Department Budget Proposal Seeks Investments in Innovation, Clean Energy, Infrastructure, Job Creation
01/25/2010 Blog NOAA, Google Join Forces to Visualize Scientific Data
01/21/2010 Blog NOAA: December Global Ocean Temperature Second-Warmest on Record
01/20/2010 Blog NOAA Produces Images of Haiti for First Responders
01/15/2010 Blog Commerce Department Mobilizes to Assist Relief Efforts in Haiti
01/15/2010 News The Department of Commerce Mobilizes to Assist Relief Efforts in Haiti
01/15/2010 Blog NOAA Satellites Help Rescue 195 People in 2009
01/15/2010 News Commerce Secretary Gary Locke Announces "Fishery Failure" Determination for Alaska Chinook Salmon
01/08/2010 Blog NOAA Ranks December Snowstorm a Category 3 on Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale
12/17/2009 Blog NOAA Highlights Tsunami Advances, Urges Quick Action When Tsunami Threatens
12/14/2009 Blog NOAA Assesses Post-Tsunami Marine Debris in American Samoa
12/09/2009 News Commerce Department Announces New Open Government Initiatives
12/08/2009 Blog NOAA: U.S. Temperatures Slightly Above Average, Precipitation Above Normal for 2009
12/08/2009 Blog Commerce Department Launches Copenhagen Climate Change Conference Web Site
12/07/2009 Blog Glider Completes Historic Crossing: New Technology Advances Climate Understanding
12/04/2009 Blog NOAA: North American 2008 Cooling Attributed to Natural Causes
11/30/2009 Blog NOAA: Slow Atlantic Hurricane Season Comes to a Close
11/17/2009 Blog NOAA Reports Combined Global Surface Temperature Was Sixth Warmest for October