Interagency Sustainability Working Group

The Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) is the coordinating body for sustainability of the built environment in the Federal sector. The ISWG was formed by Executive Order in 2001. It is one of seven workgroups that report directly to the Executive Order 13423 Steering Committee.

The ISWG is charged to:

  • Serve as a forum for information exchange and promote agency implementation of goals for high performance and sustainable building.

  • Develop policy and reporting guidance that fosters the widespread adoption of sustainable design and operations in the Federal sector.

  • Develop technical guidance and tools to support implementation of agency sustainability policies for Federally-owned, operated, and leased buildings.

For more information on the ISWG and Federal sustainability, see Interagency Sustainability Working Group: Past Accomplishments, Current Priorities, and New Opportunities (PDF 843 KB) or the Executive Summary (PDF 27 KB). Download Adobe Reader.


The ISWG is charged with providing assistance for implementing the sustainable building design requirements of E.O. 13423. Guidance materials outlining the sustainability requirements of E.O. 13423 are available.


Chaired by FEMP, the ISWG consists of approximately 60 active members, including at least one representative from every major Federal department and agency. The e-mail list serve includes more than 300 individuals, including key members from the private sector, industry, and academia.

A list of ISWG members is available.


The ISWG meets bimonthly to discuss agency-wide sustainability projects and policies. Notes from past meetings are available.


FEMP and the ISWG publish numerous resources to assist Federal sustainability efforts.