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Los Angeles

Welcome to the Los Angeles Regional Office page. Our office serves employees, employers and unions in Inyo, Kern, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties and that portion of Los AngelesCounty lying west of Harbor Freeway and Coffey Street, north and west of Pasadena Freeway and Arroyo Parkway, and north of Foothill Freeway and Baseline Road (State Route 30). We conduct elections, investigate charges of unfair labor practices, and sometimes hold hearings in our offices. We are happy to answer questions about the rights and obligations afforded under our law. Please feel free to stop by or call us at 1-310-235-7352 and ask for the information officer on duty.  We also provide speakers and materials to local community groups and schools on request. 

Mori Rubin, Regional Director
Tom K. Chang, Assistant to the Regional Director 

Event Date: 05/02/2012 - 11:00am - 1:00pm
Event Description (using node:body):

Field Examiners Steve Alduenda and Danielle Pierce delivered a 60-minute presentation to 30 human resources practitioners and other professionals at the monthly meeting of the chamber of commerce of the City of Torrance, California.  The presentation included an overview of the NLRA and a discussion of the ways that the Act and the NLRB related to human resources.  Specific topics included unfair labor practices by union and employers, protected concerted activity, and representation cases.  The presentation was followed by a question and answer session.

Event Date: 05/01/2012 - 10:00am - 11:00am
Event Description (using node:body):

On May 1, 2012, Regional Attorney Mori Rubin, Assistant to the Regional Director Tom Chang, Deputy Regional Attorney Anne White, and Supervisory Field Attorney Joanna Silverman along with Region 21's Regional Director Olivia Garcia, Assistant to the Regional Director Bruce Hill, and Field Examiners John Hatem and David Selder presented a training to representatives from the AFL-CIO on the new representation case rules and procedures in Region 21's offices.

Event Date: 04/19/2012 - 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Event Description (using node:body):

Deputy Regional Attorney Brian Gee met with students pursuing certification training by the Society of Human Resources Management.  During his 90-minute presentation to a classroom of 27 students, DRA Gee discussed employee rights under Section 7 and unfair labor practices under Section 8.  He also showed the Agency video titled, "How the NLRB Works"; answered the students' questions about the Act and the NLRB; and handed out Agency literature, including the most recent edition of "Between the Regions."

Event Date: 03/07/2012 - 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Event Description (using node:body):

Deputy Regional Attorney Brian Gee met with and spoke to graduate and undergraduate students about the goals and mission of the Agency.  He also worked with them on improving the manner in which they presented themselves to potential job recruiters. 

Event Date: 03/06/2012 - 9:00am - 12:00pm
Event Description (using node:body):

Field Examiners Danielle Pierce and Paul Sykes represented the Region at the UCLA Luskin School Career Fair.  The Luskin School is the public affairs school at UCLA, and Ms. Pierce and Mr. Sykes spoke with over a dozen master's degree and undergraduate students about the goals and mission of the Agency, as well as co-op job opportunities with the Region.