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Building Materials News

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Novel Clay-based Coating May Point the Way to New Generation of Green Flame Retardants
Release Date: 06/27/2012

In searching for better flame retardants for home furnishings—a large source of fuel in house fires—National Institute of … more

Promising Fire Retardant Results When Clay Nanofiller Has Space
Release Date: 07/06/2011

If materials scientists accompanied their research with theme songs, a team from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the … more

NIST/Industry Developed Temperature Tracking Device for Packages May Have Climate Metrology Applications
Release Date: 06/07/2011

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) researchers are working to reduce the uncertainty associated with climate-change … more

High-Tech Concrete Technology Has a Famous Past
Release Date: 03/15/2011

In the business of concrete making, what’s old—even ancient—is new again. X-ray microtomograph (left) shows pores … more

New NIST Testing Device May Help to 'Seal the Deal' for Building Owners
Release Date: 03/15/2011

Just as a chain is as strong as its weakest link, a building is as secure against the environment as its most degraded joint sealants, about 50 … more

New Tool Debuts for Measuring Indoor Air Pollutants
Release Date: 03/15/2011

A promising new approach for checking the accuracy of measurements of hazardous indoor air pollutants may soon be ready for prime time, report … more

Depth Charge: Using Atomic Force Microscopy to Study Subsurface Structures
Release Date: 06/23/2010

Over the past couple of decades, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has emerged as a powerful tool for imaging surfaces at astonishing … more

NIST and French Lab to Study Weathering of Advanced Composites for Bridges and Piers
Release Date: 02/24/2009

Weather SPHERE: Researchers from France's National Scientific and Technological Institute and NIST will work together to learn more about the … more

Viscosity-Enhancing Nanomaterials May Double Service Life of Concrete
Release Date: 01/27/2009

Engineers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are patenting a method that is expected to double the service life of … more

Workshops Address How to Avoid Progressive Collapse
Release Date: 08/31/2006

The 1995 bombing that triggered the collapse of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Okla., first raised concerns in the United … more

Meeting Slated to Discuss Structural Steel and Fire
Release Date: 06/02/2005

The World Trade Center (WTC) terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, showed the critical importance of fire resistant materials for structural steel. … more

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