U.S. Department of Justice

Planning and Evaluating Prison and Jail Staffing

Publication year: 1981 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 002225


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  • 1981
  • 2 v. (v.1 - 94 pages., v.2 - 127 pages.)

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Volume one identifies six methods for determining proper staff levels in an institution: task analysis, motion and time study, productivity auditing, outcome analysis, process analysis, and comparative analysis. Then different methods of organizing staff are described, both in terms of hierarchical structure (traditional, project, matrix, and unit management) and in terms of shift patterns. Functional staffing needs are reviewed, and forms and instructions given for using the Multiple Methods Approach. Volume two gives detailed descriptions of staffing patterns from twenty jails and prisons.

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